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Unable to preview tracks

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  • Spoon
    Re: Unable to preview tracks

    It relied on dBpoweramp Audio Player to preview, but will not work any more, I have noted the bug to remove this option.

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  • sirchuckr
    started a topic Unable to preview tracks

    Unable to preview tracks

    Hello -

    I've just started using dCW. After I've added tracks and they've converted for the audio CD, I try right clicking on the track in the left pane of dCW to preview it, but all of the options are greyed out and unavailable except for Delete. I hope I'm missing something very simple, but I'd like to preview the tracks before burning as I've added a few DSP effects. Is there something I need to do to let dCW play the audio?

    I'm converting from FLAC and mp3 files, and adding volume normalization, fade
    and trim.
