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Annoying bug in CD writer

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  • 003

    • Dec 2008
    • 7

    Annoying bug in CD writer

    I don't know how to explain this as it is very strange. I added some files to the CD writer to burn, then decided I didn't want them, so I cleared the list. A few seconds later, one of the files I had cleared popped back into the list out of nowhere.

    A few more seconds later, another one showed up, and this process continued on and on. I even closed the program, and it re-opened itself and added another file

    Once it had finished doing all the files I had originally selected and then removed (which it did out of their original order), it kept on going, adding multiple copies of files it already added. Eventually, it stopped, after it added a ton of files. It didn't add second copies of all the tracks, just some.

    And it keeps on doing this when I try and clear the list. This is extremely annoying.

    Also, why does it have to convert the files to Audio CD format? It even does this for WAV files, which other software seems just fine with burning natively. It is kind of annoying, because it takes a while, and the process is not multithreaded as other encoding/decoding tasks are.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44809

    Re: Annoying bug in CD writer

    Perhaps you had a conversion to CD Writer running in the background? If you restart Windows then clear the list, are any new files added?


    • 003

      • Dec 2008
      • 7

      Re: Annoying bug in CD writer

      Originally posted by Spoon
      Perhaps you had a conversion to CD Writer running in the background?
      You know what, I think that is it. I had it minimized and didn't realize.

      But I still have an important suggestion. For whatever reason, the operation of converting the files to Audio CD format is not multi threaded, and I have 13.1 reference. And when I add FLAC files, it takes forever to convert to audio CD.

      But, if I first convert the FLAC files to WAV (which is extremely fast, but still not multithreaded), and then convert the WAV files to Audio CD (again not multithreaded), the process is very quick. So the efficiency of conversion to Audio CD could definitely be stepped up.

      Also some other stuff posted here would be great:
      R13.x requests - I believe these would be easier to add, and hopefully could make it into an R13 point release. Many of these are OPTIONS to give the end user more power and control. Some of these are important enough to me to hold off on major rips -option to Auto-Rip HTOA for supported drives - especially important with

      I know some of it is R14 material, but still great to keep in mind. Very forward looking features.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44809

        Re: Annoying bug in CD writer

        The slowest part is the HDD, decoding FLAC to WAV takes almost no CPU.


        • 003

          • Dec 2008
          • 7

          Re: Annoying bug in CD writer

          Originally posted by Spoon
          The slowest part is the HDD, decoding FLAC to WAV takes almost no CPU.
          Yes, but FLAC to WAV is very fast and WAV to Audio CD is also very fast.

          It's FLAC to Audio CD that is very slow, significantly slower than both of the above processes combined.

          And none of these operations run on multiple threads, which would also speed things up.


          • LtData
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • May 2004
            • 8288

            Re: Annoying bug in CD writer

            I think Spoon is saying multi-CPU would have no speed advantage, as your HDD would be bottlenecked trying to move that much data.


            • 003

              • Dec 2008
              • 7

              Re: Annoying bug in CD writer

              I see. Well that may be true, with traditional hard drives. But SSDs are gaining popularity, getting bigger and cheaper, and they could certaintly take it.

              But, this still dosen't explain why FLAC --> Audio CD is much slower than both FLAC --> WAV, WAV --> Audio CD combined.


              • Topsy

                • Dec 2009
                • 10

                Re: Annoying bug in CD writer

                Yes, I've noticed this bug? in CD Writer.

                Converting FLAC tracks to WAVE in CD Writer takes 4 minutes and 50 seconds.

                Converting FLAC tracks to Wavpak in Music Converter takes 22 seconds.

                Why the big differance? It's obviously not down to CPU processing or
                Hard Disk reading/writing.

                Another CD writing program I use takes 30 seconds to to add the FLAC files
                to the CD writing list and then start writing the CD. In fact I continue to use
                this program to write CDs because of this bug?

                One other thing. It would be useful to have a 'quick erase' of re-writeable media as well as the full erase.
                Last edited by Topsy; February 09, 2010, 10:55 PM. Reason: Thought of something else to say!

