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CD writer eats 100% CPU

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  • MSP

    • Jan 2009
    • 4

    CD writer eats 100% CPU

    CD writer uses 100% CPU time during writing of the tracks on a regular audio CD. (seen in task manager, CDwiter.exe) I use Windows XP, SP3, on a modern and fast machine. This seems not normal to me (other writers like Nero do not show this). My feeling is that CD writing eats I/O resources but not so much CPU. I think that this causes an error that I have on one out of five CD's on the average, spoiling a disc every time. Writing speed is 8x, which is not extraordinary.
    Has anyone seen this behaviour ?
    Is there a solution for this ?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44809

    Re: CD writer eats 100% CPU

    Are you using the latest release?


    • MSP

      • Jan 2009
      • 4

      Re: CD writer eats 100% CPU

      Yes, I think so. I am using version 3.1 of CD writer.


      • LtData
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • May 2004
        • 8288

        Re: CD writer eats 100% CPU

        What format are the files you are trying to burn to CD? If they are not already WAV, if you encode them to 16-bit, 44.1KHz WAV before starting the burn, do you still get the 100% CPU?


        • MSP

          • Jan 2009
          • 4

          Re: CD writer eats 100% CPU

          Thank you. The situation is this: the original files are .flac, on a network share (a NAS). CDWriter automatically converts to .wav first (size about double as flac, encoded as 16 bit 44kHZ.). The temporary directory is on a local harddrive (the C: system drive). There .wav's are made by CDWriter named Track01.wav, Track02.wav, etc.
          The 100% CPU has been seen on writer speeds 16x, 8x, 4x so far. Only during actual track writing, between the tracks there is a short dip in CPU usage. It is CDWriter.exe itself that shows the 99% to 100% CPU load.
          Hope someone can help ! I like dbPowerAmp very much. it is the top in audio CD ripping and conversion.


          • bhoar
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Sep 2006
            • 1173

            Re: CD writer eats 100% CPU

            Have you checked to see if your IDE/ATA (or SATA in compatible mode) interfaces have reverted to PIO mode instead of running in DMA mode?



            • MSP

              • Jan 2009
              • 4

              Re: CD writer eats 100% CPU

              The serial ATA hard drive controller is in Ultra DMA mode 5.
              The IDE controller for the DVD writer is in Ultra DMA mode 2.
              Thanks, MSP

