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dCW Cockpit Error????

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  • RoadRunner

    • Jul 2008
    • 4

    dCW Cockpit Error????

    I am running the registered latest releases, and had a set of selections in the temp window, I burned a disk with those selections, successfully, then saved that set of selections as 'Mix#1' (Standard Audio 80 Minutes).

    Later I wanted to burn another disk with the same selections, brought up 'Mix#1', the temp list was populated with all the same selections. When I select 'burn', I first get the dbPowerAmp frame indicating the burn is about to start, then a second frame overlays very quickly indicating looking for a 'fix' followed by another frame saying that "dbPowerAmp CD writer has stopped working". Additional text "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." I am running Vista with the latest updates.

    Perhaps the error is initiated by my trying to save a mix set, which cannot be done.

    All suggestions are welcomed!

    Henri Monnier
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44809

    Re: dCW Cockpit Error????

    I would try wiping the tracks from CD writer and create it again.


    • RoadRunner

      • Jul 2008
      • 4

      Re: dCW Cockpit Error????

      I'll give that a shot and let you know, I was hoping that I would not have to go through the selection list and reselect them all a second time. I presume that means that one cannot save a 'mix' list for later use???


      • xoas
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Apr 2002
        • 2662

        Re: dCW Cockpit Error????

        My hunch is that you goofed when you "saved" your mix CD.
        Assuming you originally created the disc under the title "Standard Audio CD (80 minutes)"
        the temporary tracks should be saved under that title. Changing the title for the project to "Mix CD #1" may have led to a folder of temporary tracks that could not be located unless you had originally labelled the disc when you began work on it and before you added any tracks to it.
        If my hunch is correct, there is a chance that starting dCW and opening your available discs might show your mix CD under its original title.

        Hope this is of some help.

        Best wishes,


        • RoadRunner

          • Jul 2008
          • 4

          Re: dCW Cockpit Error????

          Originally posted by xoas
          My hunch is that you goofed when you "saved" your mix CD. Assuming you originally created the disc under the title "Standard Audio CD (80 minutes)" the temporary tracks should be saved under that title.
          I had filled the temp window under 'std aud 80 min' then after writing saved it as mix#1. When I pulled up mix#1 later, all the track titles were there. Is that the mistake? What should the sequence have been?

          Another question, how do I delete a mix. For example I created mix#1 as Standard Audio 80 min, I cannot see a way to delete that entry in the drop down box. Whats the magic? I did not find it in the documentation....



          • xoas
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Apr 2002
            • 2662

            Re: dCW Cockpit Error????

            I am not sure how you "saved" your project under the new name. I think you probably burned your CD (with your Mix), then either hit the Create button in dCW to change the title of the template to Mix CD #1, or you browsed to the folder with the temporary CD files and re-named the template/project folder to Mix CD #1. I have done a little testing and confirmed that either strategy will result in a change that allows you to see in dCW the project under the new template name with the tracks apparently intact. In either case, you cannot burn this project but you will get the message you describe.

            What should have worked was to have kept your project under the original title -Standard Audio CD (80 min) - and as long as you did not select the option to erase the tracks after burning you should be able to reburn the same CD multiple times.

            The other strategy that should work is to open dCW, hit the Create button, select New CD and select Standard Audio CD (80 min) and label it as Mix CD #1 (or you could edit the Standard Audio CD (80 min) template to relabel it as Mix CD #1). Then and only then do you add your tracks. Again, you should be able to re-burn this CD from the template and saved temporary files as long as you do not re-name the template or re-name or move the folder or files within it.

            And I did check and it does NOT look like you can rename the template or the temporary folder to restore the template to working (burnable) order.

            To delete a mix, I am not sure whether you are wanting to remove the template and all of its tracks or if you just want to remove the tracks themselves. Say you create a mix CD under the title Standard Audio CD (80 min). You burn the mix and decide you don;t want to keep the temporary files around for further burning. From the cDW screen, open the Standard Audio CD (80 min) template and you should see the mix tracks listed therein. Hit the button that says "Clear" and this will remove all the tracks. The template named Standard Audio CD (80 min) will now be blank until you add more tracks to it.

            Say you created your CD as a new template titled Mix CD and you decide you want to remove the whole template after you have burned the CD. Then, from the dCW window you can hit the Create button, select Mix CD and select delete. You will note that from this window you could also select the option to keep the template of that name but to clear the tracks from that template (which will achieve the same effect as if you had followed the procedure described in the last paragraph).

            I am not sure where dCW develops the problem that prevents re-burning once you re-name the template/temporary folder and so I am also not sure whether you can merely clear the tracks for the re-labeled template, add tracks and burn the new CD, or whether you actually have to remove the template and then create a new one to be able to burn tracks. If you can confirm this either way (by either clearing the Mix CD #1 template, adding tracks and burning or by renaming the template as Standard Audio CD (80 min), adding tracks and burning from that), please let us know. I suspect that once a template gets messed up in this re-naming procedure you will probably need to remove the template and create a new one to work from using the Create button.

            Hope this helps.

            Best wishes,
            Last edited by xoas; July 30, 2008, 02:44 AM.

