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Directory Structure on MP3 CD's

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  • Launfal

    • May 2005
    • 12

    Directory Structure on MP3 CD's

    Just tried writing an MP3 CD with the release version of CD-Writer, and I have to say it was a frustrating experience.

    Once I figured out how to get the configuration for the file structure to stick, I thought the hard part was over, but I was wrong.

    The problem is that if you try a naming scheme such as [TRIMFIRSTFOLDER][origpath][]\[origfilename] in the writer, what you get is a CD with the file structure from the TEMPORARY files that it creates to burn the CD and NOT the file structure from the directory where the files are. For example:

    I ended up with a data CD with the structure [user name]\application data\dbpoweramp\mp3 [or something similar... I only know that the tree was 4 levels deep] and the filenames are all 23828322 (or something similar).tmp

    Needless to say, that was NOT what I was looking for, and 2 discs later, I just used another app which gave me what I wanted the first time.

    Another irritation is that I can't drop folders directly from the tree onto the burning window. I have to select the folder, then select the files, drop the files, and if I select multiple files to drop, I have to click the file window again to get all the files to show up in the burn window.

    The audio burning part seems to work well, but this MP3 CD behavior is a deal-breaker for me.

    I hope this helps in tracking down the problems.

    [Love the ripper, I've used it over 500 times with no serious problems.]
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44809

    Re: Directory Structure on MP3 CD's

    Do not use [origpath] in the naming of the cd, instead take the folders from the id tags such as

    [artist]\[album]\[artist] - [title]

