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cdwriter trial expired ?

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  • keithbaran

    • Feb 2004
    • 37

    cdwriter trial expired ?

    I am a registered user of dmc and just downloaded and installed r13. I also am registered for cdwriter. I belive it was on rev 2 when I purchased it. I have been using the cdwriter r3 for several months. Today after installing dmc13 I am recieving the message that the trial version on cdwriter r3 is expired. I noticed on the "beta test" forum it states that to use the newest release, I belive is "RC1" or something to that, "Reference licence" trial or registered is required for use of that release. I am not using reference but the normal dmc r13. What can I use to write cd's?
    Please excuse me if my ignorance is obvious

    Thanx for the support and great product
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44809

    Re: cdwriter trial expired ?

    CD Writer R3 Registered will not appear on Registration Retrieval for 3 weeks, we have not written the help files to be able to compile the final version. I know there is a bit of a hole now between R2 (which is on Reg Retrieval) and R3, but we cannot put pre-release software onto reg-retrieval.


    • keithbaran

      • Feb 2004
      • 37

      Re: cdwriter trial expired ?

      That's cool,
      Thanx again for the answer

