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  • Baloe
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Apr 2003
    • 95



    When i use convert to audiocd my cd writer takes about 20 min to burn a 80 min cd.
    When i burn the same cd with my cdwriter i takes about 3 min. How is this possible?

  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: Time

    Could you specify if both CDs are audio CDs and the software you're using? Do you mean dCW takes longer to burn a CD than your other CD burning software? If so, it might be because dCW is purposefully burning slower. Personally, I try to never burn audio CDs over 24x or so, as faster burning is more likely to cause problems in some older CD players.


    • xoas
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Apr 2002
      • 2662

      Re: Time

      I think that Baloe is commenting on a difference in time it took CDWriter to burn a CD using right-click Convert To set to Audio CD vs. the time it takes CDWriter to burn the tracks straight from from CDWriter.

      My first impression would be that you would need to make sure that: there are no DSPs being applied in either case (or alternately that the same DSPs are being applied in either case), whether or not we are talking about copying a CD using CDWriter when talking about using the Right-click Convert To Audio CD (as opposed to copying the tracks of the CD from audio files that have already been ripped to his hard drive), and whether the 20 minutes to burn a CD to Disk using the Right-click Convert to Audio CD option is counted from the time that he first starts the conversion/burn (using right-click convert to) or whether he is only counting the actual burning time.

      My suspicion is that the difference here is caused by the longer time and greater number of operations that are needed to using right-click-convert to Audio CD (which needs to first call up Music Converter and then CDWriter, possibly rip or convert the files and apply any DSP effects) compared to first activating CDWriter (which I think already activates Music Converter); that this difference would be further exaggerated if burning time for Right-click convert to would be counted from the time that the Convert button was activated and burning time for burning from CDWriter was counted from the time the Burn button was activated; and I can see where it could be easy to inadvertently apply DSP effects using one method and not the other (although I think this is the least significant of the factors given the large magnitude of difference).

      I will try to look into this myself when I get a chance just to test my theory here (may take a few days) and I will let you know what I find.

      Best wishes,


      • Baloe
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Apr 2003
        • 95

        Re: Time


        That is my problem Bill
        There are no effects and it is the real burn time, without time to convert.

        I use the old writer, compatible with versions under 12, because it is faster.
        Another problem is that i've conflicts when i try to burn cd's from flac, my old writer can't convert. The program ask for a flac codec to download but i can't install it in a good way, it change the 11 and the 13 beta.



        • xoas
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Apr 2002
          • 2662

          Re: Time

          I've done some checking on this.
          Using the same set of files ripped to Ogg Vorbis and then converted back to Standard Audio CD either through right-click convert to standard audio CD through dMC 11.5 and CD Writer r2 and through opening CD Writer 2 and adding tracks that way. I don't see any significant differences in time.
          Likewise, repeating the same processes using dMC 12.3 and CD Writer r3beta, I don't see any differences, even with comparing gapless audio CD and non-gapless audio CD with and without buffer underrun protection enabled, in the time it takes to burn the files.
          What I do find is confirmation that CD Writer r2 appears to burn the same files much faster than CD Writer r3 beta (roughly 6 minutes 15 seconds for r2 vs. 21 minutes 30 seconds for r3). I am not sure whether this might be related to settings within dMC r12.3Configuration or not.
          So far, the only thing I have run across that would explain the difference in burning times would be if you had both CD Writer r2 and r3 installed ant that the right-click convert to audio cd was accessing r3 and the other method you were accessing r2. But the interface is different enough that I think you would have noticed this.

          Can you post your dMC r11.5 Configuration and if you have dMC r12+ installed could you post that Configuration as well? Can you confirm that you are converting and burning files from your hard drive and not from CD (this is one test I have not tried)? Can you tell me whether you see any differernce between the methods I have outlined and those that you have used?

          Best wishes,


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44809

            Re: Time

            Thanks Bill, I will take a look.


            • Baloe
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Apr 2003
              • 95

              Re: Time

              Hi Bill,

              That is the same difference in time, that is the problem!
              What do you want to know about the configuration?



              • xoas
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Apr 2002
                • 2662

                Re: Time

                With respect to the FLAC codec not working for you, it would be good to see your installed codecs from Configuration. Although the other thing you could do is uninstall your current Flac codec, re-start your computer and then install the Legacy Flac Codec from Legacy Codec Central (here: ) into the same folder as CD Writer 2 and dMC 11.5. And with dMC r12+, if you have that installed, uninstall the current FLAC codec, re-start your computer and install either the Flac r11 beta codec (from here: ) or Flac r10 from Codec Central (see here: ). If that does not fix things, you may also want to try a few other files or else test your Flac file(s) to make sure they are not corrupt (you can use Flac FrontEnd for this).

                As for the issue you originally raised, I am not sure I have confirmed hte source of your problem or not. I have found a significant difference in the time it takes CD Writer r2 to burn a standard audio CD compared to the amount of time that CD Writer r3 needed to burn the same files to audio CD and this difference was roughly close to the difference you reported. If you have both CD Writer r2 and CD Writer r3 installed, then it makes sense to suppose that when you are using "right-click Convert To Standard Audio CD" that you are accessing CD Writer r3 and that is why it is slower than when you add the files by opening CD Writer r2 (since r3 is the slower program).

                However, I was under the impression that you were only using CD Writer r2 in both cases. You could try going Start>Control Panel>Add/Remove Programs, to determine the most current version of CD Writer by clicking on the program in the menu of installed programs and then clicking on the button for support information.

                So let us know if this was your problem (that you were accidentally accessing CD Writer r3 when you were using right-click convert to audio CD with a group of files) or whether your problem is strictly confined to the use of CD Writer r2.

                Best wishes,


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44809

                  Re: Time


                  When you were burning in R11.5 CD Writer which drive speed was shown on the page 'ready to burn', and the same for R12 CD Writer?


                  • Baloe
                    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                    • Apr 2003
                    • 95

                    Re: Time

                    Hi Bill,

                    The flac problem is solved.
                    The problem is the difference in burningtime of the writer 3 and 2!
                    Using "right-click Convert To Standard Audio CD" it is accessing CD Writer r3, it is the writer that can work with 12 and 13 version of the converter. This is also the converter witch put itself in the convert to menu. I had to put both writer in because of : "Compatibility with Music Converter Release 12". The writer3, working with 12 was not ready, so i had to use writer2. Writer3, when it was ready,it was/is installed in the 12+converter directory. I din't delete the writer2 because of the burntime difference. I use the convert to menu more, that works faster and nicer for me, and i want to use it also for convert to audiocd. I can burn cds with writer2, and it works fine. I also saw the the options icon in writer3 did not work. In my case the drive speed was the same, 40.




                    • xoas
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Apr 2002
                      • 2662

                      Re: Time

                      In my case both CD Writer r2 and CD Writer R3 show a write speed of 52x.



                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44809

                        Re: Time

                        If R3 what happens if you select a slower speed, ie not 52x?


                        • xoas
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Apr 2002
                          • 2662

                          Re: Time

                          Tried 16x and the time needed did not change.


                          • xoas
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • Apr 2002
                            • 2662

                            Re: Time

                            BTW, on a whim I also switched my dMC r12.3 ripping setting from secure to burst mode and that did not affect burning time with CD Writer r3 either.



                            • Spoon
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 44809

                              Re: Time

                              It is strange. I will have to do in house testing specifically on speed see if I can repeat. Generally if it takes 20 odd mins then that is only x4 writing speed.

