[SIZE=3]Can Sum1 Tell Me What I am missing , to make DBpoweramp's writer to let me "record"??? cuase i used to be able to record audio, mp3, wma etc.. tracks when i right-click the the track/song....but now since i re-formatted my system and put back the full version of the complete pack, (dbpoweramp & it's writer + codecs) i can no longer right-click to record.... what do i need....hit me up anyone ASAP i would appreciate it[/SIZE]
using the writer,
Re: how do i record when using the writer???
Merged your two posts into one thread. Please don't double post.
I assume you are asking about the "Convert To" item on the right-click menu.To re-enable this, go into dMC Configuration (Start --> Programs --> dBPowerAMP Music Converter --> Configuration --> dMC Configuration), click "dBpowerAMP Settings" and check the box for "'Convert To' Menu Item" then click "Next" and "Finish". You might have to restart Windows for this to take effect.Comment