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Mp3, 80 min, 74 minutes- OVERWHELMING.

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  • lush_autumn

    • Mar 2006
    • 2

    Mp3, 80 min, 74 minutes- OVERWHELMING.

    I couldn't find any information regarding this anywhere-

    In the pull-down menu under Writing X Cd, it obviously has the options for MP3, 80 min, and 74 minutes.

    But there are currently 50-100 different versions in the list. I've set it to delete after the copy, but apparently it's not. And when I'm trying to make a new cd, it will jump around between lists and because there are so many, it's impossible for me to find the cd I was creating.

    I've uninstalled and re-installed the program hoping to clear out that terrible list but I don't know what to do. Also, why does it change the cd to different audio lengths and MP3 format when I'm trying to choose the songs for a new cd?

    Please help!
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44809

    Re: Mp3, 80 min, 74 minutes- OVERWHELMING.

    If you click the button to create or define a new cd, you can delete from that new popup page.


    • lush_autumn

      • Mar 2006
      • 2

      Re: Mp3, 80 min, 74 minutes- OVERWHELMING.

      I actually tried that. I spent over an hour sitting and clicking and deleting the lists and they all still appear to be there. ?


      • ChristinaS
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Apr 2004
        • 4097

        Re: Mp3, 80 min, 74 minutes- OVERWHELMING.

        There's a Delete CD button. Also a Clear CD button - to reuse the same compilation for a new cd.


        • codyhopkins

          • May 2006
          • 4

          Re: Mp3, 80 min, 74 minutes- OVERWHELMING.

          I am having the identical issue. When trying to burn cd's the program skips from one format to another. The program also shuts down repeatedly. Can someone post how to clear out the 100 itmes in the pulldown menu. It cannot be the answer to delete each one, one at a time. Ther must be a solution.



          • xoas
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Apr 2002
            • 2662

            Re: Mp3, 80 min, 74 minutes- OVERWHELMING.

            I believe the answer I found was to click on the button in the main dB CD Writer window to create a new CD. In the window that then opens is a list of the formats for your previous projects. This is what over-populates your menu in the main window and no clearing or deleting the CD in the main window does not appear to remove the definition set in the Create NewCD Window.

            Anyway, once you click on the button to create a new CD and you see the list of projects, select all of the old projects/definitions you don't need and delete those in that window.

            That's how I recall this working. I'll have to wait until I get home tonight before I can access the program to reconfirm these directions and to clarify anything that needs to be further clarified.

            Best wishes,


            • codyhopkins

              • May 2006
              • 4

              Re: Mp3, 80 min, 74 minutes- OVERWHELMING.

              I tried that. Now everytime I try to load even one song, the program says it has to close.


              • Wayne
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Aug 2002
                • 1254

                Re: Mp3, 80 min, 74 minutes- OVERWHELMING.

                Did you delete all of the entries or did you retain a couple?



                • codyhopkins

                  • May 2006
                  • 4

                  Re: Mp3, 80 min, 74 minutes- OVERWHELMING.

                  I spent an hour deleting, now they are all still there!


                  • xoas
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Apr 2002
                    • 2662

                    Re: Mp3, 80 min, 74 minutes- OVERWHELMING.

                    First. Open CD Writer. Click on the button that says New CD. In the menu of saved CD formats, select each one one turn and select the Delete button until they are all gone. When they are all gone, you will probably see the 4 orignal defaults format settings (Standard CD for 74 and 80 minutes, mp3 audio CD at 650 MB and 700 MB). Click on the OK button. Close CD Writer and re-open. Now do you see any more than these original 4 in the pull down menu on the main CD Writer page?

                    If there are any more than those 4, please tell us what version of CD Writer you are using, what version of Windows you have, what version of dBpowerAMP Music Converter you are using, and your system specs (processor, speed, ram).

                    If you only see these original 4 formats, please let us know that too.

                    Best wishes,


                    • codyhopkins

                      • May 2006
                      • 4

                      Re: Mp3, 80 min, 74 minutes- OVERWHELMING.

                      I deleted all dbpower from my computer. I then reinstalled everything from scratch. At that point I got the list with only 4 types of projects in CD writer. I then attempted to burn a cd. I loaded about ten tracks onto the project, the program then duplicted them, so I had 20 tracks on the project. I deleted the extra tracks. When I went to Burn the CD, the program gave me a message and closed.

                      My CPU has a AMD dual core processer Athlon 64 processer 4000, 2 gb of ram. My os is XP.

                      After all that I went out and bought Nero. This is supposed to be pleasurable for me. The Nero works fine.

                      Thanks for trying to help.


                      • Andrew Smith

                        • May 2006
                        • 3

                        Re: Mp3, 80 min, 74 minutes- OVERWHELMING.

                        I have got this same problem, but I have got far too many to manually delete. Would you suggest uninstalling the software and then reinstall it again? If I do this will I be left with just the 4 types of CD or will I still have several hundred duplicate types? Surely this must be a software bug? I have only burned a couple of CDs sso far, no where near several hundred or more!!!!

                        I am running dbpower AMP CD Writer with Windows XP on a Pentium 4 1.8GHz with 512Mb of RAM.

                        I downloaded the registered version of CD Writer on 20 April 2006 (r2-FL) and it is Release 2.

                        Any help would be appreciated.



                        • xoas
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Apr 2002
                          • 2662

                          Re: Mp3, 80 min, 74 minutes- OVERWHELMING.

                          Yes it is a bug.
                          Yes, you can uninstall and re-install. Yes, this should leave you with the 4 original CD types.
                          You should, however, easily be able to remove your several hundred entries in no more than a few minutes. Remember to remove them from the window that appears when you click on the New CD icon, NOT from the main dB CD Writer window. Remove everything and the 4 original cd types will pop up again on their own.

                          What I have found is that if I start a project and erase it and start over, CD Writer seems to create a new listing for it, so it is easy for these definitions to grow in multitude even when you think otherwise.

                          Best wishes,


                          • Andrew Smith

                            • May 2006
                            • 3

                            Re: Mp3, 80 min, 74 minutes- OVERWHELMING.

                            Anybody know if this "BUG" is going to be fixed?

                            I am quite new to this DBPower Amp, are the software developers good at releasing upgrades or not?


                            • Andrew Smith

                              • May 2006
                              • 3

                              Re: Mp3, 80 min, 74 minutes- OVERWHELMING.

                              It takes about 40 seconds to delete each entry!!!

                              This is what I'm doing - run "dbpower AMP", then select "New CD", then it brings up box titled "Create New Audio CD" and gives me a very very long list. The top item in the list is highlighted so I click on "delete" aand about 40 seconds later that item disappears. I spent over 40 minutes last night and did not get very far!!!

                              I am running dbpower AMP CD Writer with Windows XP on a Pentium 4 1.8GHz with 512Mb of RAM.

                              I downloaded the registered version of CD Writer on 20 April 2006 (r2-FL) and it is Release 2.

                              Many thanks

