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Is there a way to copy batch ripping configurations from old system to new?

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  • Cmcc0rd

    • Dec 2018
    • 8

    Is there a way to copy batch ripping configurations from old system to new?

    Recently my desktop PC’s power supply failed and fried its motherboard. Fortunately it did not damage the system’s hard drive. I had configured dbpoweramp batch ripping on this system with a nimbie autoloader to rip songs to multiple formats. I have clean re-installed dbpoweramp, the ripper, nimbie drivers, etc. on a new pc.

    I would really like to copy my specific batch configuration files from the old system’s hard drive to the new system. Is this do-able? Which files would I need to copy and where are they stored?

    More detail: I had configured Dbpoweramp batch ripper to use a nimbie autoloader to read disks then output songs in flac, mp3, apple lossless, and apple lossy formats onto an external hard drive by format by author by album. It has been 2 years since I did these configurations -- I would have to completely re-learn/re-create so I would really appreciate it if I could copy my old files over.

    Thank you in advance for your support/help!
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44767

    Re: Is there a way to copy batch ripping configurations from old system to new?

    It is stored in the registry, which is not easily accessible unless you can boot the old system and export the values.


    • Cmcc0rd

      • Dec 2018
      • 8

      Re: Is there a way to copy batch ripping configurations from old system to new?

      Thank you for the reply.

      My old system is non-bootable dead so I have started recreating my configurations.
      I'm currently stuck setting the batch ripper up to fetch tags from providers(all the providers are greyed out). I am working this issue in a seperate post in the forum so will not continue it here.

      Thanks again.


      • missingpdx

        • Jan 2022
        • 1

        Re: Is there a way to copy batch ripping configurations from old system to new?

        Assuming you are on Windows and you can plug the hard drive into a working Windows box:

        -Plug it into a working computer (spare SATA port, USB adapter, doesn't matter).
        -Search the internet for "read windows <version> registry from external hard drive". You'll see a few million variations on how to load a registry and view it. Once the hive is loaded, navigate to this key:
        -Look for value named "CDRipper_Namings". Copy that value and paste into dBpoweramp in the Dynamic Naming config.

        If the user account used for ripping was not the last logged in account, you're still good. Search for the same subfolder structure under the HKEY_USERS\ folder:
        HKEY_USERS\<TryAllUserProfiles>\SOFTWARE\Illustrat e\dbpoweramp - CDRipper_Namings

        There is zero risk to the new PC because you're not importing registry keys, only retrieving the value and pasting into dB as plain text.

        Let us know if this works. This is my first post, hope to occasionally help out here as I work on an all encompasing, life-sized, analog to digital migration.

