I recently won and received this unit.
I plugged it into my Win7 x64 machine and several drivers installed from Windows Update without issue. Device manager indicated a "USB Serial Port (COM3)" device. I downloaded the latest CD and Batch rippers, plus the Amtren driver. All installed, no problem. The changer is recognized as a Plextor drive.

In Batch Ripper Configuration, when I click Configure, the default CLI strings use COM1, which I changed to COM3. When I click Test then Start Test I see an "Unable to find com port 'COM3'. Exiting ULCLI in 5 seconds..." dialog.
I need to verify if my unit is functional or not soon so I can deal with the eBay seller in the worse case.
I tried STF for every search term of the error message I could think of. I've read the help files in the Batch ripper directory. Be gentle - I'm very new to ripping with a robotic changer.
This unit should work, right? Any help is much appreciated.
I plugged it into my Win7 x64 machine and several drivers installed from Windows Update without issue. Device manager indicated a "USB Serial Port (COM3)" device. I downloaded the latest CD and Batch rippers, plus the Amtren driver. All installed, no problem. The changer is recognized as a Plextor drive.

In Batch Ripper Configuration, when I click Configure, the default CLI strings use COM1, which I changed to COM3. When I click Test then Start Test I see an "Unable to find com port 'COM3'. Exiting ULCLI in 5 seconds..." dialog.
I need to verify if my unit is functional or not soon so I can deal with the eBay seller in the worse case.
I tried STF for every search term of the error message I could think of. I've read the help files in the Batch ripper directory. Be gentle - I'm very new to ripping with a robotic changer.
This unit should work, right? Any help is much appreciated.