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Other Sony Jukeboxes

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  • PaulSalmon

    • May 2009
    • 1

    Other Sony Jukeboxes

    I know the Batch Ripper supports the Sony XL1B family of jukeboxes but these are pretty rare on ebay at the moment but there do seem to be plenty of the Sony CDP-CX range (CX100 to CX455) available.

    Has anyone tried using one of these connected to their PC for ripping their collections or any of the other Hi-fi separate jukeboxes (technics, kenwood) or should I keep waiting for a XL1B to come up?
  • kretch

    • Apr 2008
    • 17

    Re: Other Sony Jukeboxes

    Assuming you want to rip CD's:
    Having owned several XL1B's, I would advise against using them for ripping- they're finicky and it's a hassle to insert and remove the discs one by one. A better bet is the Kodak Kiosk's, which provide better throughput and seem to be built much better



    • bhoar
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Sep 2006
      • 1173

      Re: Other Sony Jukeboxes

      Originally posted by kretch
      Assuming you want to rip CD's:
      Having owned several XL1B's, I would advise against using them for ripping- they're finicky and it's a hassle to insert and remove the discs one by one. A better bet is the Kodak Kiosk's, which provide better throughput and seem to be built much better


      The teac drive in the kodak units is a pretty good drive for handling difficult discs in my experience, though I do wish it was faster at spinning up and recognizing CDs...however, once it does so, it rips the audio data off clean discs about as fast as any other drive I've seen.

      But if you've got a Sony XL1B unit, Spoon's recent R13.3 beta, with the 8KB IO limit C2 option, might allow the units to finally do C2 (still waiting to see who gets a chance to test it first)...but the drive is pretty slow at ripping.


      PS - hifi (kenwood, etc.) jukeboxes don't have any of the computer interfacing required for CD ripping, so don't even think of walking down that path, you won't get far.

