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Discussion of Automated CD Loaders

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  • Sir Dancelot

    • Jan 2010
    • 3

    Re: Discussion of Automated CD Loaders

    I was afraid of that. No way of resetting the robot, or reprogramming it?
    Because hardwarewise all seems fine. It just looks like the unload batch somehow dropped the 'lock' command...


    • MadTax

      • Jan 2010
      • 3

      Re: DTP-1000 scsi to serial conversion notes

      Originally posted by olskool
      Thanks to DarkBane I was able to get my dtp-1000 running off the serial port yesterday. Here is the link in case anyone wants to follow along.

      I have a few questions:
      Has anyone figured out a bigger command set? Especially the disc loaded command.
      Has anyone else run into a problem where the machine stops responding to the serial port after issuing the "R" command?
      And lastly, how many people are out there working on these things? I was amazed to see that not only did other people still possess these, but that they were also working on modernizing them!
      Keep it up dBPoweramp forums!
      Thanks to Darkbane and olskool! There is a common interest in using a Rimage / Cedar DTP 1000/4000 machine for backups. I bought one more than a year ago. The first time I was able to work with the machine cause of reading this chat on dbpoweramp. But there is still a problem left. I´m not able to abort the serial connection using putty (plink) by command-line. Using Plink only ('plink.exe -load "sessionname" > textfile.txt' and textfile.txt contains MU MD OI ... each in a single line closed up with <Enter>) the first command will be done. Afterwards the system is waiting. I guess the following commands in the textfile.txt (I see them on the screen) coming to early to react. And there is no chance for me to abort plink and sending a new command. The next command even with an new plink-line in my batch is not done. The system is "standing on the line before" and waiting. So one question is left: Do You know how to send successfully a set of commands to the Rimage by command-line (Or something else)? Do You know how to abort the serial connection with putty / plink? Do You use another software instead of putty?

      I created a workaround using mouseandkeyboard-recorder and a tool for opening and closing the burner in a batch-file. I´am starting putty (not plink!) by the recorder (loading a serial session) and send the commands via recorder to putty. For Putty it is like the keys have been pressed on the keyboard. After the set of commands I abort (Pressing Alt-F4 via the recorder). It is functional but the system won´t work if something happens by chance (I.e. the picker doesn´t got a DVD.). The coordination between the single parts in the batch is fine, but to coordinate Nero (my favourite BackUp-Suite) and the batch just time is left. At first the batch calculate the Number of DVD´s need for the backup. The longest time measured by me for doing one DVD 16-Speed ist 33 minutes. So the batch stays 35 minutes between disc changing. The same procedure starts in the prior calculated numbers of cycles. If You are interested I will sent you the files. You have just to adjust them with try and error to Your System. The ratio of functionality is about 90%. If You own a better system I´am interested in your solution and your experiences.

      To Your Questions: I think tere is no disc loaded command via serial port. It´s just a debug port. It is not configured to anwer. (My opinion not knowledge)
      After the "R" comand my machine works fine. It take little time (5 sec.), but I can´t tell about problems.
      Last edited by MadTax; January 28, 2010, 05:00 PM.


      • MadTax

        • Jan 2010
        • 3

        Re: Discussion of Automated CD Loaders

        Originally posted by bhoar
        Re: From my testing, the pickers on DTP units cannot handle much variance in hub-type and thickness. After five or so audio CDs, the two DTP units I tested almost invariably got stuck trying to pick because by that point the top two CDs in the input stack had somewhat "complementary" hub styles that the picker fingers can't grab between. I think the DTP units were engineered for the hub-type of blank CD-Rs in the late 90s...and are just not a great tool for random audio CD picking. It's possible the units I tested were defective or badly adjusted?

        Hi Brendan,

        I am a proud owner of a Rimage / Cedar DTP 4000 / SCSI. I transformed the unit succesfully to a serial one (Thanks to darkbane). I created a batch using putty und wineject for controlling the unit. All works fine. Just one problem is left. You told in this forum the disc thickness has to be aligned by these machines. I don´t know how to do it. I´ve tried via SCSI the alignment tool, but I am not able to find a matching field for adjusting disc thickness. There are just fields for the four recorder, the reject bin and the input bin. Like I told You before all works fine except the grabbing of discs by the picker (3 of ten times no success.). At the moment shows the unit after switching on thickness steps of 01c3. Darkbane told about by him it was 005?, five time less. So I guess thats working wrong.

        Please tell me where to get the alignment tool for adjusting disc thickness or describe how to use the other alignment tool. A lot of CD´s came with the machine, so I think I own the tool, but just don´t recognize it. Even in the manual I don´t find something about disc thickness alignment by a DTP 4000. Just by a DTP 8000. It seems to me last one is using another software by the picture in the manual.



        • MadTax

          • Jan 2010
          • 3

          Re: Discussion of Automated CD Loaders

          Nobody is answering. I have to do my best alone. So the results of my "engineering" (For everyboy, perhaps in one, two or more years

          to bhoar:
          The alignment tool ist adjusting the unit only for use with the rimage driver. If You switch the scsi machine to be controlled by serial port You don´t need it. Diferences in thickness and hube of the discs will be instead equlized with a very little move upwards. The commands MD

          (Moving Down) for getting a disc is followed by a command MU0007 in my case. The Picker gets the disc independend to the thickness of the disc.

          Afterwards the command "Go to the new position (e.g. MH for moving upwards)" follows (With the disc hold by the picker.). The picker is designed for the most thick discs build at its time. If I´m using thinner discs, the picker doesn´t rest between the first and the second disc, but "in"

          the hub of the second disc. Removed to fast the picker will not be able to fetch the first disc. With my solution, the picker just moves a litle

          bit upwards and get the first disc. Left is the problem of discs thicker than the layout of the configuration of the picker is regarding. I

          don´t recognize the problem till now. So I just want to tell You, I don´t need more information about the alignment tool. I (hope, I) just

          checked it.

          to darkbane:
          You have asked for new commands. I bought a primera signature IV with my Rimage unit. The printer open with "OP" and closes with "CP". This needs

          a conjunction using the 6-pin minicircular auxiliary interface between printer and unit. (To olskool: Don´t remove the cable!). Something new: I

          made a test with all combinations of {A-Z}x{A-Z} as 2-letter-commands and the same followed by 50 (e.g. AK50). I logged the answers with PUTTY

          and got no results. I´m more than sure the scsi machine is not abel to answer by serial port (just per scsi). But if time is left I will try the

          triple ({A-Z}x{A-Z}x{A-Z}). But I´m not very hopefully with success.



          • pulper

            • Mar 2010
            • 1

            Re: Discussion of Automated CD Loaders

            MadMax....... I just got 2 cedar 1000's and will be workin on them this week. I want to make use of them as complete unit i.e printing also. Will give feedback.:komisch12


            • sdgenxr

              • Dec 2008
              • 7

              Re: Discussion of Automated CD Loaders

              Could someone point me in a general direction as to where I can locate an inexpensive auto loader so that I can rip my collection of 300+ cd's? Single tray would work fine and I'm more than capable of modding something, with a little guidance, to make it work the best.

              I've been on the lookout for the Kodak kiosk without any luck and have seen the very rare one on e-bay or CL. Does anyone have other ideas or models I can utilize?



              • mikelangelo11

                • Mar 2010
                • 1

                Re: Discussion of Automated CD Loaders

                Is it possible to use archive creator with an automatic Disk Publisher, Primera, Bravo Disk Publisher?
                This unit has a CD Burner, a robotic arm and a CD printer which I use to make up to 50 discs automatically without having change the CD and sticking labels.
                Archive Creator does see the Primera drive but when I tried to use it, it tells me that there is no CD in the Drive (of course).

                If there would be a way to combine have bothe great produts work whith each other, that would be heaven...


                • mjbraun

                  • Sep 2009
                  • 15

                  Re: Discussion of Automated CD Loaders


                  I was wondering if anyone had experienced any luck using dBpoweramp with the JVC MC-2200 or similar SCSI-attached libraries? I'd like to know folks' experiences before I pick up a copy of the software, since I didn't see a yea/nay regarding support for the box in the thread.



                  • mjbraun

                    • Sep 2009
                    • 15

                    Re: Discussion of Automated CD Loaders

                    Originally posted by mjbraun

                    I was wondering if anyone had experienced any luck using dBpoweramp with the JVC MC-2200 or similar SCSI-attached libraries? I'd like to know folks' experiences before I pick up a copy of the software, since I didn't see a yea/nay regarding support for the box in the thread.

                    With a devil-may-care attitude in the face of danger, I went ahead and acquired the software. Result: it kinda works in that the changer is recognized, etc, but I can't get the batch rip to work.

                    Here's what I'm facing:
                    1. Windows Server 2003 system with an Adaptec 2940UW SCSI controller
                    2. Removable Storage Service disabled (I was getting changer in use errors until it was disabled)
                    3. Medium Changer shows up under device manager "Medium Changer" as 8 copies of JVC MC-1200 Disc Library (Bus Number 0, Target ID 6, LUN [0-7])
                    4. dMC-R13[1].4-Ref-Registered.exe + dBpoweramp-Batch-Ripper-MediumChanger-Loader.exe + dBpoweramp-Batch-Ripper.exe
                    5. Batch Ripper Configuration sees the 4 Plextor CD-ROM PX-32CS drives.
                    6. Configuring the first drive: Loading Method = Medium Changer, CLI instructions = --changer="0" --driveid="0" (I changed --driveid to 1-3 for the remaining drives, other settings remained the same). Offer Spindle Change = <never>
                    7. Test Load CLI: "Start Test": brings up the dialog "Ready to Batch Rip on Medium Changer 0, Medium Changer Contains ? Discs"
                    8. Click "Populate" (currently there are 5 CDs in the machine). No activity from the box, but the dialog changes to "Medium Changer Contains No Discs"
                    9. Click "Ok": Dialog returns but has returned to "Medium Changer Contains ? Discs"
                    10. Click "Cancel": Debug Output =
                      Beginning Test

                      Running Program: "C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp\BatchRipper\Loaders\Me dium Changer\Load\Load.exe" --changer="0" --driveid="0" --drive="E" --rejectifnodisc --logfile="C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\1\dBB4 .tmp" --passerrorsback="C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp \1\dBB5.tmp"
                      Waiting For Changer Mutex: Got
                      Finding Changer: Found: \\?\scsi*blooper*changer&ven_jvc&prod_cd-chg_mc-1200&rev_1.02*blooper*4&1e262cc3&0&000600*blooper* {53f56310-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
                      Opening Changer: Open
                      Getting Changer Storage Elements: Got 200
                      Current Changer Position: 200
                      ** Reached End of Changer Storage, Offering Reload.
                      Finding Full Slot From 0 to 200
                      Reached End, No More Discs to Load
                      ** Reached End of Changer Storage, Offering Reload.
                      *** Error: User Cancelled Batch Rip. [cancel batch]
                      Closing Changer: Closed

                      Testing Complete

                    So the first part that I gather is that the "Populate" command isn't inventorying the library to discover where discs are loaded. I've tried clicking the Mass Load and Mass Unload buttons, to no avail as well. What should I do next?

                    Thank you very much for your help!


                    • mjbraun

                      • Sep 2009
                      • 15

                      Re: Discussion of Automated CD Loaders

                      Not to clog up the list, but one other thing: if I do re-enable the Removable Storage Service, the system attempts to inventory the library, but won't stop (it reaches the end of the discs and then starts over again).


                      • mjbraun

                        • Sep 2009
                        • 15

                        Re: Discussion of Automated CD Loaders

                        But wait! There's more! (Apologies for posting too frequently)

                        I downloaded the Windows version of MTX and used it to trigger an inventory of the library via "mtx -f Changer0 inventory", after which clicking "Populate" properly reports the number of CDs in the system. However, when I try to kick off a rip, I get "No CD After Load" errors. What am I missing now?


                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44441

                          Re: Discussion of Automated CD Loaders

                          The changer has a normal DVD drive inside? it has to support SCSI MMC v3 to be supported (modern drives from the last 5 years).


                          • mjbraun

                            • Sep 2009
                            • 15

                            Re: Discussion of Automated CD Loaders

                            Originally posted by Spoon
                            The changer has a normal DVD drive inside? it has to support SCSI MMC v3 to be supported (modern drives from the last 5 years).
                            CORRECTION: I misquoted the model in my earlier post: the device is an MC-1200U, not at MC-2200. This means the drives are CD, not DVD.

                            This is relevant because as the device was made in 1997 (!!) and thus most likely does not support MMC-3 on the Plextor drives. As the drives are not stock, it looks like I may have some hardware hacking ahead of me to mount more modern drives in the case.

                            An additional question, though, and for future reference: are there any tools that will tell the MMC compatibility of a drive? I found mmctext.exe as part of the Microsoft Windows Driver Kit but the system requirements were excessive.


                            • Spoon
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 44441

                              Re: Discussion of Automated CD Loaders

                              I do not know of any.


                              • mjbraun

                                • Sep 2009
                                • 15

                                Re: Discussion of Automated CD Loaders

                                Originally posted by Spoon
                                I do not know of any.
                                Thanks Spoon. I've more-or-less given up on the SCSI system and migrated to a Firewire-attached dual-drive PowerFile R200, which pretty much works like a charm. The only issue I'm running into are *really* slow rips (15+ minutes per CD). I'm ripping secure to a network drive, encoding to mp3 via the local encoder beta, on a dual processor machine, and I'm only seeing processor spikes on occasion, yet Batch Ripper is often showing performance of greater than 10x.

                                Any ideas what could be affecting my performance or how best to diagnose the situation?



