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Bug Yes ! Problem Solved Yes ?

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  • Unregistered

    Bug Yes ! Problem Solved Yes ?

    I just realized I had started my last thread in the wrong place, so here it is again. However I did get an answer from "Craze" (in the other thread) which supported my findings and conclusions (refer to "Lets Stay ON TOP" in first thread)....

    Regarding the Main PowerAMP Player (Player) release 2 using Windows 98SE & the browser IE6.

    Issue: Two of the functions of the Player fail to display ON TOP (over) the IE6 window once the Player is minimized. The "On Screen Mini Control" (OSMC) will PARTIALLY disappear, and the "Mini Tray Control" (MTC) window will not display at all on mouse hover over the system tray icon. The fact that this problem is resolved as a result of the user applying a certain sequence of events demonstrates that the issue can be addressed by coding this same sequence of events in the Player program (see below).

    Work Around:
    I have found the problem to be a sequencing issue. The problem is solved if after the player is launched I click on the task bar (which removes focus from the IE6 window ultimately placing focus back to task bar). Then the MTC will continue to work properly and continue display ON TOP of the IE6 window when navigating the Internet. As far as the OSMC I find that once this above is done I can then click OFF and back ON the OSMC and the issue of the partial OSMC ON TOP is solved as well.

    This leads me to conclude that if the Player were programmed to apply FOCUS ON THE TASK BAR when the Player is INITIALLY (FIRST) MINIMIZED (removing focus from IE6 window). And the OSMC was RE-INITIALIZE (which is what I essentially am doing by turning it OFF and back ON again) my issue would be solved. By doing each of these two things the problem does not occur again which demonstrates that the issue is a sequencing issue in the coding of the program at least in regards to WIN98 and IE6.

    I have been told by support that this is not an issue with XP or 95 I can check out on Tuesday, if you like, to see if this is an issue with WIN2000. According to "Craze" who responded to my misplaced thread, he has the same problems as I do and is also using WIN98. As it appears there is at least a problem with WIN98 (maybe WIN2000) and it is possible that many of your potential customers just simply give up on your product rather than bringing up the issue. I gave up on other Players, one of which I was impressed with otherwise, when the volume control did not work. I like your product since after trying three others yours was the only one that both played CD's and Music Files and the control functions all appear to function properly. I also like these two OSMC & MTC Player options which are unique to the dBPowerAMP Player in the way that they function. In as much as I felt that this ON TOP issue was not a big issue and can be ultimately worked around, I felt it worth while to follow up on your product to find a solution in this case. I thought that it was most likely a programming issue, which could be easily solved, and in fact as you can see (refer to "Solution" paragraph) by coding the Players sequence of events involving assigning focus will set the proper GUI parameters to solve the problem. As I said, I consider your Player to have certain desirable and unique capabilities and feel that by fixing these issues which some potential users may just not want to address would likely impact your Players popularity in a meaningful way.

    Let me know if and when this bug can and will be addressed.


  • xoas
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2002
    • 2662

    Re: Bug Yes ! Problem Solved Yes ?

    Thank you for your research and diligence in addressing your problem.
    I am going to go a little off-topic here but I hope you will find it illuminating as to your your request.
    I know that my under my screen name is the title of dBppowerAMP staff. It would be natural to assume that I am a technical support staff person, one of a small group of people with training and experience in deciphering the many intricacies of dBpowerAMP and who is paid to do so.
    That is not exactly true. The title is honorific. I am an experienced user with little technical training who has followed this forum for a while and who has seen fit to offer my assistance or ideas where it seems to me that it might help. I am a user but I could not program my way out of a paper bag if my life depended on it (but this is not to impugn the skills of the other individuals granted the title of "dBpowerAMP Staff", whose skills in this area probably far exceed my own). But the whole idea of the forums is for users to share their own experiences, ideas, work-arounds, and solutions. So, with one exception, everyone on the forum is, in a sense, the support staff for dBpowerAMP. This includes yourself who has contributed by pointing out a problem, providing an analysis of the problem, and outlining a work-around. This benefits all of us.
    dBpowerAMP's programs are pretty much the work of a single individual, Spoon. This is not his day job. In my experience, he is a capable individual who has produced and made available some great software. He is a great resource. He will be the person to answer your basic question about whether a bug fix can be expected. He would also be the one person most likely to know whether the fix would be as easy as you seem to believe it to be.

    I guess what I want to convey is the reality that you are not, for better or for worse, dealing with a commercial enterprise in which you have a designated role of consumer who can deal with trained and paid staff with access to technical manuals and direct input to the programming team. Spoon is that team and you already have direct input to him. I feel he is committed to addressing your concerns as much as he is committed to addressing those of others. On top of that, for better or for worse, you have the combined resources of other users who may be willing to share their insights, knowledge or experiences to help you and other users as well. Welcome to the staff!
    Best wishes,
    Bill Mikkelsen


    • xoas
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Apr 2002
      • 2662

      Re: Bug Yes ! Problem Solved Yes ?

      We've started an informal study to try to determine what users are experiencing the same problem. If we can determine what systems this is a problem on and which it is not, this might help Spoon find where the bug might be.
      Thanks again for your insights.
      Best wishes,
      Bill Mikkelsen


      • donny
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Oct 2002
        • 761

        Re: Bug Yes ! Problem Solved Yes ?

        being that it is a single OS problem (win98) it is because of the way 98 deals with windows (which is in every version a bit diferent, but in XP and 200 is similar, and 98 is old..) . Anyway the problem is probalby solvable, but it is still a question how easy? the instructions in 98 and xp may differ enough to make one hell of a programming experience... I myself am not experienced in that area to say....


