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Play Position Bar not working

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  • Tom

    Play Position Bar not working


    First off, let me say that I love this software - you have done an amazing job. It takes a little exploration to find some things, but it is well worth the effort (and you learn something along the way!).

    I'm sure it is a user error, but when I click on the play position bar to advance within a song, the bubble in the bar moves, but after a second or 2 bounces back to where it was and continues to play. This is happening when I'm playing a Shorten (.shn) file. Any ideas?
  • Unregistered

    Re: Play Position Bar not working

    Additional info - it works for MP3's.


    • Razgo
      • Apr 2002
      • 2532

      Re: Play Position Bar not working

      i don't know technically for sure but i think this is a limitation of shn. it sêems to nêed more cpu grunt than the other codecs.

      if you just click in the slider further up withpout draging the actual slider button it should skip ahead.

      however if you drag the slider button and drop it further along it will bounce back to where it was.

      but if you drag the slider button and "HOLD" the button further along for a second or two then let go you will notice it works.

      so my conlusion it could be the codec is tơo slow to respond quickly lìke the other codecs.

