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Japanese track information

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  • tkmusic

    • May 2004
    • 2

    Japanese track information

    I am using Windows XP English version, installed with Japanese Global IME.

    While ripping Japanese CDs into MP3, I noticed that most of the track information could not be read correctly. I tried renaming the files within the dMC Audio CD Input. However the names could not be registered.

    How can I have the Japanese track information correctly registered?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44780

    Re: Japanese track information

    Install the Lastest Music Converter Beta, and Audio Player beta, that should help.


    • tkmusic

      • May 2004
      • 2

      Re: Japanese track information

      Dear Spoon,

      I just realized that I posted my original question in the wrong forum. I had wanted to ask about dMC instead of dAP. sorry for the mistake.

      Anyway I installed both the latest beta versions of dAP(r3b5) and dMC(r11b1b), in that order. However the problem still remain - I cannot edit the Tag info even with the correct IME.

      I decided to explore my OS environment to see if I need any supporting programs. I was then advised that dMC was probably a non-Unicode program and that was why it could not recognized the original Tag info. Then I noticed stating that "All programs" will be made "Multilingual" and to have "Unicode support".

      So is the problem I am facing simply because dMC is currently unable to support Tags info in non-English language? :o
      Last edited by tkmusic; May 15, 2004, 08:05 AM. Reason: accidentally clicked on Post button


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44780

        Re: Japanese track information

        It will support the language that the default system code page is set to (in International settings for Windows), but saying that mp3 is not really a multilingual format, id3v1 is not, id3v2 can be but I don't think there is wide support for it (the unicode), in the latest dMC you can set tagging options and set the default on id3v2 and set utf16 (unicode) to true.

