Surely dbpowerAMP can convert to , from what I have read , the unofficial internet audio standard, associated with .au files, viz G.711 mu-law, viz my personal choice as a novice webmaster.
How on Earth do I go about encoding to .au ?
I appreciate any concerns to the effect that this message is perhaps off-topic but I fairly believe that dbpowerAMP can do this and that for me to achieve my goal, I need 'support' through this 'support' forum'.
To those that still disagree, I apologise.
How on Earth do I go about encoding to .au ?
I appreciate any concerns to the effect that this message is perhaps off-topic but I fairly believe that dbpowerAMP can do this and that for me to achieve my goal, I need 'support' through this 'support' forum'.
To those that still disagree, I apologise.