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Program abort while adding tracks

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  • Nabucco

    • May 2003
    • 4

    Program abort while adding tracks

    I am new in this round, therefore I will say a friendly Hello to all user in this forum!

    First of all, its a very fine software.
    I use dbpowerAMP and dbpowerAMP Audio Player.
    Thanks for this great software!

    When I ad a folder of Music Files (dBpowerAMP-r2 , Release 2 [19th March 2003] ) the program will abort while adding tracks.
    The program count the files, in my case 1426 and abort after reading 965 files.
    What can I do?

    Thanks for help
    Last edited by Nabucco; May 13, 2003, 01:20 PM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44396

    It must have a problem with one of the files (either the format or tag), it won't be easy to find out which (try adding in batches of 100's, then 10's in the 100 that stops).


    • Nabucco

      • May 2003
      • 4

      Spoon thanks for your answer.
      Sorry, this not the solution. I afraid, this is a little sophisticated bug in the software.
      But it’s crazy, the mistake is not really reproducible.
      I have checked all files, I think they are ok. I use some *.mp3 files and in the main *.mp2 files.
      I make a new Folder and move the Files subfolder for subfolder in it. No problem, dBPowerAMP Audio Player adding all 1426 tracks.
      When I take the old originally folder, dBPowerAMP Audio Player will abort after 965 files.
      But when I make a really new Folder, then dBPowerAMP Audio Player will adding all 1426 tracks.
      This will happen not every time!
      Is there a log file or it is possible to write a log file?
      Is this possible a memory problem? Or is there a file with the name of the old folder an the program can not overwrite it?




      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44396

        Are any tagged with id3v2 tags? pretty much everything else to do with mp3 is bullet proof, except that...


        • Nabucco

          • May 2003
          • 4

          No I don’t use tags. Some programs make automatically tags. That’s why I have delete all, id3v1 tags and id3v2 tags. To do this, I use The nice tool ID3Remover (http://www.marre.org/id3remover/).
          ID3Remover can remove all tags from MP3-files, but not from MP2-files. Your Power pack can do this?
          Presently I use only the file-name for information, but in the future I want to give more attention to tags.



          • Razgo
            • Apr 2002
            • 2532

            I came across this once too recently. I clicked "add a folder" and simply select my D:\ drive and it found 6923 files, but when it went to add it to the collection it fell over at around 143.

            however i recently added a folder with subfolders full of wav files, over 7 thousand, and it had no problem at all.


            • dnewtype

              • May 2003
              • 15

              So do I. When I add 'mp3' folder which holds all of my mp3s(about 50G), MyCollection crashes. Such problem doesn't occur when I manually add them by subfolders and subfolders.
              Sometimes it crashes about 2000, sometimes 3500, sometimes 4000 etc. I think it is a problem of dAP rather than a problem of specific mp3 file.


              • Nabucco

                • May 2003
                • 4

                Oh, I’m not alone. I think it’s the same effect.


                Please make the following test:

                Clear all Tracks

                Rename your Main MP3-Folder manually

                Add a Folder of Music Files

                Its will be interesting what’s happen.



                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44396

                  I can try to put anti crash catchers in the add section, send me an email nabucco with an explination that you need a new mmc with anti crash and I will send a test version.


