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id3 tag problem, not updating

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  • roborob

    • Mar 2009
    • 3

    id3 tag problem, not updating

    Usually When I alter a field in DAP (genre, artist, etc..) I find that the tag information in the actual file is updated as well, but this is not always the case. It seems that if I alter certain files (say I update the genre to "rock" where originally that field was empty), then I try the "refresh from ID tag" then the genre field becomes empty again. Even if I try the "rewrite ID tag" before clicking the "refresh from ID tag" the same thing occurs.

    The wierd thing is that if I alter the fields using some other software (either winamp or by using DMC with the utility codecs) then the fields will update, but if I try the "refresh from ID tag" button then nothing happens, but if I remove the file from the database then scan it in again, then it will - at last - be updated with the correct data.

    This only happens on certain files.

    I can workaround it, but it takes a long time, perhaps someone can think of a better workaround (I was considering using the "ID tag update" utility codec on all my files, but I am nervous to do so, especially when only a few hundred files exhibit this problem).
  • al-zoir
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • May 2006
    • 83

    Re: id3 tag problem, not updating

    So many times I have been asking what to do with data losses from my 87000 pieces music collection, but never an answer about repair. I see, I am not sure, that you posed a similar problem. Where is the ID renewal codec program, for me to use? I can't find such a thing, and I just lost all the 'genre' data of my songs. Not really lost, since if I open the ID tag, there it is, but I cannot find a way to make it appear again in the music collection. To write it again piece by piece for 87000 songs, I think is completely impossible. Without genre it is impossible to use collection playback by genre, which, I think is the biggest advantage of the dAP, and the main reason I don't want to change it to something else.


    • Wayne
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Aug 2002
      • 1254

      Re: id3 tag problem, not updating

      As already mentioned DAP is in the process of being replaced so no further development is being carried out.


      • al-zoir
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • May 2006
        • 83

        Re: id3 tag problem, not updating

        Thank you for the answer. But, I'm sorry to confess that the process is extremely long. And it is curious to me that no advice for the partly cure of each event is given. Then the only thing to do, is start all over again (which I always do, of course) Isn't there a trick to make the genre appear inthe mmc since it exists ib the id window. Just asking....


        • LtData
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • May 2004
          • 8288

          Re: id3 tag problem not updating

          dMC only queries online sources for meta-data when you rip a CD.

