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For Lt. Data & XOAS

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  • petriburg
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Apr 2002
    • 172

    For Lt. Data & XOAS

    Thanks for the help. both of you. This cancels my 3 previous posts.
    I ultimately decided to take the plunge, and did a complete uninstall/reinstall of both dAP and dMC, to good effect! I have now also performed a repair installation of Win XP, so should be in good shape.
    The only (very minor) irritation is in Graphic Equalizer. When I click on load presets, it opens a Windows drop-down menu, with the various configurations listed. But if I click on save after selecting any of those listed, it doesn't save. As best I remember, dAP used to have its own (quite small) menu box which opened when I clicked on load, from which I was able to choose an appropriate setting for the file I was playing. Am I under some kind of delusion? If not, can this be rectified? Kindest regards, Tony
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Re: For Lt. Data & XOAS

    Use the Load from the Graphic EQ amplifier window, not the Menu >> Graphic EQ >> which does not seem to work (on Vista).


    • xoas
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Apr 2002
      • 2662

      Re: For Lt. Data & XOAS

      With XP you should be able to load a preset from either the Options Menu> Graphic Equalizer or from the Equalizer control on the main skin.
      In either case, from the Equalizer panel, click on load to call up your list of presets, select your preset, and in the window with the pre-sets click on the open button. You should then see the preset applied.
      To create a custom preset, just change the sliders to where you want them, click on Save, and then create a name for the new preset and click on save in the window with the list of presets.
      Be sure to toggle the EQ Power to On.
      There is also the Auto Equalizer setting but this has its own quirks. Is this what you were referring to here:
      As best I remember, dAP used to have its own (quite small) menu box which opened when I clicked on load, from which I was able to choose an appropriate setting for the file I was playing
      Auto Equalizer settings are reached by selecting the setting you want for a given track and then clicking on the Save button, you will find a small menu with Save and Auto Equalizer. From there you can have auto equalizer apply the same setting to this track alone, to all tracks in the same album, all tracks by the same artist, or all tracks in the same genre. The chief quirk with this powerful and nifty feature (IMHO) is that by default the auto equalizer will assume that you want every track without an auto equalizer setting applied played with the same EQ setting as whatever the last track that did have an assigned auto equalizer. And it will keep doing so until it hits a track that has a different assigned auto equalizer setting.

      Let me know if this answers your question/problem or not. If not, please describe where things are going wrong.

      Best wishes,


      • petriburg
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Apr 2002
        • 172

        Re: For Lt. Data & XOAS

        Hi Bill, Thanks for that. It seems as if my version of the behaving pretty much the way you outline, so I think I'll live with what I've got! I was hoping that I could post a screenshot of the presets menu, so that I could be sure it is correct, but for the life of me, I can't remember how to include screenshots in these dialogs. (I sent an email to Spoon this a.m for guidance on this, as I didn't want to bother you guys too much). Best regards, Tony


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44840

          Re: For Lt. Data & XOAS

          It is not possible to upload image attachments, but if you use a free image host and post a link.


          • petriburg
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • Apr 2002
            • 172

            Re: For Lt. Data & XOAS

            Gentlemen all ! Thanks for the help. Here's a link to the screenshot which shows the Equalizer load settings , as I tried to describe in my earlier post.
            Hightail Spaces lets you send unlimited files, of any size, to anyone. Collaborate with your team and evolve your work.

            I hope the link works! Regards, Tony


            • xoas
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Apr 2002
              • 2662

              Re: For Lt. Data & XOAS

              Yes, that is how it's supposed to look.
              You should be able to click on one of the presets (say Rock) to select it (the name of the preset should then appear in the File Name menu), click on the Open button on the Load Stored Graphic Equalizer Settings, and have the setting show up as applied in the EQ. If your EQ is turned OFF, you still need to turn the EQ ON before you will hear the results. Per the instructions, if you are playing a file in dAP and apply EQ or change an EQ while playing, it may take a few seconds to hear the change get applied.

              If you wanted to apply Auto EQ to a track or set of tracks, you need to load the EQ setting you want to apply (as per above), then (with the track loaded in dAP) click on Save and select the Auto Equalizer button. From here you get to choose whether to automatically apply the EQ every time you play thie specific track or set of tracks (you can apply it to all tracks in the same album, all tracks by the same artist, or all tracks in the same genre). I believe that if the EQ is turned off, then you will not hear the auto equalizer applied to the track.

              So what doesn't work for you and how is it not working?



              • petriburg
                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                • Apr 2002
                • 172

                Re: For Lt. Data & XOAS

                Thanks for that, Bill - It seems all is working OK. I was concerned that the equalizer settings window had a different appearance from what I remember before re-installing dAP. Seems like my memory was playing tricks! All is now well, thanks to everyone. Take care, regards, - Tony

