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File names and organizing

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  • Da Floyd

    • Nov 2002
    • 30

    File names and organizing

    Compared to lots of the other questions being asked here, this one (hopefully) will be quite simple to answer. I just downloaded DB Amp and all the "accesories" 2 weeks ago, and moved my entire collection to DB Music. (about 4GB and growing) I decided I wanted to really organize the files, by putting in the genre, track numbers, album name, etc. Some of the old files had the wrong album name, and I changed them to the correct name, and moved them to the correct folder, and also deleted the folder where it used to be. I get into the "properties" of the file (in program files of DB Music) and change info there as well as the tag. (The folders are artist\album\track#-artist-track) Obviously when I rename a file or move it's location, DB cant find it. So I went to "Collections\locate track" and told DB where it is now. About half of the time it works, and half it doesnt. When it doesnt work, I first clear the missing file from MMC, then I go to the folder where it is (which is DB Music) and send it to DB again, so it will be in MMC. The file will then go back to the original file name with the original (and wrong) file folder, which is magically back in DB Music (program files). This is after I deleted the "incorrect" folder, and deleted it from "the Garbage Can" also, so the folder was no longer on my computer at all, but DB is picking up this info from somewhere to make the folder again. Anything new that I download, I first have it in a different folder, then edit the properties and the tag, then send it to DB Music, and all is perfect with that, nothing so far has got renamed or went into wrong folders. How do I go about changing the album name and getting DB to put it in the correct folder with it's new and correct album name?? And then how do I get it into MMC? I have even tried to send the files to a different location, edit them, then right click to send them back to DB Music, and they still go back to the old and wrong folder. Thanks for the great program, and for the support you give it!!! Larry:shocked:
  • dbample
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Oct 2002
    • 69

    If you want to change album name and re-organize your music collection accordingly, you could

    1) go (using file explorer) to the folder that has the (album) files;
    2) choose all of them (ctrl-A);
    3) right click and choose "Edit tag";
    4) change the album name to the correct one;
    5) go into MMC (my music collection);
    6) choose Collection -> Music Collection -> Arrange Files

    (since the last step seems to work on all files currently in your opened MMC file, you could instead open a new MMC file and add only the folder that you are working on (it will still have the old folder name for the album); then do 6) as above)

    The consequences of step 6) are:
    a) new folder with the correct new album name is created (you still have to manually delete the old (now empty) folder;
    b) the music files from the old folder are moved to the new folder;
    c) the files' names are changed reflecting the new album name (I am not 100% sure about that one)
    d) MMC knows about the files with their new names and where to find them.

    I believe that this is what you want to accomplish.

    I hope this helps.



    • Da Floyd

      • Nov 2002
      • 30

      Thanks for the tips, most of what you said is what I have already done, but going into MMC and clicking on "arrange files" (or in explorer right clicking and sending to dap) is what seems to create the "bad" folders again. An example of what is happening: I have a folder "The Beatles\Abbey Road" on the hard drive, and there are 16 files inside that folder (there should be 17 but one has an incorrect album name), each of these files were downloaded one at a time from different sites, not ripped with DB or another ripper by me. 2 of them have wrong info in their tags, which is what I am assuming is allowing DB to create the "wrong" folders for me. One of the 2 bad file names has a wrong track#, and the other one has a wrong album title. I send the contents of the folder Beatles\Abbey Road to a different location, as well as the individual file, do the editing (in explorer, both on the properties and the tag), delete the original folder(s) that contained these tracks, then highlight all tracks and right click and choose "add to dap", that is when the incorrect folders show up again, and the song that had the wrong track# is back again, usually either #32 or 00. This happens on maybe 5% of all the folders I have. I am not saying DB is at fault, DB is finding this information somewhere that I have not (or can not) change. In some respects, this is not a big deal, a month ago I didnt care if the names were incorrect, but I love this program and now I feel the need to get all of the files organized correctly, it will help in making M3U playlists if all tracks are in the correct folder and in the proper order. Thanks again for any help, Larry:shocked:


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44824

        If you can find out where those files went...

        Personally I think it is a tag issue, maybe those have V1&V2 id3tags.


        • Da Floyd

          • Nov 2002
          • 30

          Not sure what you mean by "where the files went", I created a new folder called "DB Edit Area" and sent the files there, did the editing, and highlighted them all, and right clicked to send them back to DAP. When they got back to DAP Program Files, the editing was gone and the files were the same as when they left. With the exact same folders holding them, which tells me there is some information I didnt or cant change. If it is a problem with the id3 tags, how do I get only the V1 tags, and eliminate the V2 tags. If I understand all I have read in your postings and in your help menus, it is the V2 that causes the problems, or do I have it backwards???? Thanks again!!!! Larry:shocked:


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44824

            If you have my Music Converter, hold the mouse over the file on the disk, it will tell you exactly the tag status.


            • Da Floyd

              • Nov 2002
              • 30

              Yea, I have the Music Converter, and just about everything you have to offer, including a regestered copy of the powerpack. (Awesome programs by the way!!!!) When I hover over the file, it shows exactly where the file now is, not where I edited it to go to. In other words, I have a song that, in the program files says it is track 5, (in explorer I have the page set up so I can see bit rate, song length, genre, track # etc) when the file name it is given stays 00 or 32. In the tag and in explorer the file says it is track 5, which is right, but the file name keeps coming up "00-Beatles-Octopus's Garden". It should be "05-Beatles-Octopus's Garden". Cant seem to get it to stay that way. I even tried the simplest of things, just rename the file, simply name it "05-Beatles-Octopus's Garden", but then MMC doesnt recognise it and the whole process starts all over again.And yes, the tag is both V1 and V2, so how do I get DAP to onle see V1's, and throw those V2's in the garbage????? I assume that is the problem, but how do I get rid of the problem??? Larry:shocked:


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44824

                Install the latest dMC beta from the bet section of this forum, it will handle the v2 tags correctly (and it will update dAP if they are both installed to the same location).

