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How to download MMC Color Changes??

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  • Da Floyd

    • Nov 2002
    • 30

    How to download MMC Color Changes??

    First of all, just like everybody else here, I think this program is by far the best thing going for organizing and playing our music. Great job Spoons!!! OK, so now on to the question. I have downloaded some of the skins for DB Amp, and I want to download some skins for MMC, but I dont know how to do it. I have only been using a computer for a year now, but I can navagate fairly well, as long as the instructions are in plain english. (Ha) All I get is the page with all the numbers on it, not really a download. And if I right click on it, "save file as" is not highlighted so I dont have that as an option. I feel like I am missing something painfully simple here, anybody else have this problem?? How do I go about actually changing the colors of MMC?:shocked:
  • Razgo
    • Apr 2002
    • 2532

    when you right click over the word "download" does "save target as" show up?

    if not just click on "download" then it should open up showing you a set of numbers. you can highlite them all then right click and copy then paste into notepad then save as "colors.txt",

    then copy the color.txt file over to your dap folder:



    • Da Floyd

      • Nov 2002
      • 30

      MMC Color Change

      "Save Target as" is not really there, I mean it is not an option I can click on, it is not highlighted. I will try to do the copy and paste when I get home from work later tonight and let you know how it goes. Thanks again, Larry:shocked:


      • Da Floyd

        • Nov 2002
        • 30

        MMC Color Change

        I am finally back from work and am trying to get the skin "Cycho" Put into the folder: DBPoweramp\skins\default\editor\colors.txt All is fine so far, up to this point, copied and pasted and save file as "colors.txt" in Notepad, and navagated thru DBPoweramp\skins\default\editor\colors.txt to save the file in, but there is already a file there by that name, and I am thinking I do not want to replace it. "Colors.txt" is a file not a folder, so the folder it is going into is "editor", and I cant have two files by the same name. Should I name the new file "Cycho.txt" ?? Then how do I switch back and forth between them?? I dont want to lose the original color, I just want to be able to choose between different colors. Should I create a new folder for all the different color schemes I may download?? I just want to get it right and I have never had to download something this way before. Thank you for your help!!! Larry:shocked:


        • Razgo
          • Apr 2002
          • 2532

          yep, all you do is make a safe folder somewhere and copy the original "color.txt" file to a safe folder somewhere, then copy the new color.txt over the old one.

          it must be named color.txt to work.

          so if you don't like it you can then just copy the original back over again.


          • Da Floyd

            • Nov 2002
            • 30

            MMC Color Change

            Like I said in my first message, I was missing something painfully simple. It works with no problems at all. I made a folder to hold all the color changes, copied the original from "editor" first, then took the "Cycho" file and re-saved as "colors.txt" and sent it to "DB Poweramp\skins\default\editor". Had to close MMC then re-open it to get the color to change, but even I could figure that one out. Thanks for the help, this program really is the best thing for organizing, ripping, basically anything to do with music on your computer!!!!!!!! Larry:shocked:


            • Wayne
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Aug 2002
              • 1254

              Are there any instructions/notes available on how we can create our own colour setups for MMC?

              An even better option would be for MMC to have its own built in facility (plus preview) to change individual colours.


              • MasterOfPuppets
                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                • Nov 2002
                • 139

                when i made my mmc color change ( i used the guidelines posted by xoas ( they're pretty self-explanatory, and to make the whole color change took like 20 min or so.

                i think making a simple program that lets you visually change the color change would be helpful. to get the colors for mine, i used the 'edit colors' option under the colors menu in mspaint (to quickly open it go to start menu --> run --> mspaint). typing in the 3 numbers in the define custom colors tab gives you a color, or you can select a color to see what numbers it has.


                • Wayne
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Aug 2002
                  • 1254

                  Thanks for the help. If I get the time I may try creating my own colour schemes.

                  I have tried a few of those already available but in certain circumstances I find that some of the text is unreadable. This maybe do to the fact that I am red-green colour blind so being able to adjust the setup will be useful.


