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Negative comment on daP beta

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  • g_s_49

    • Jan 2007
    • 24

    Negative comment on daP beta

    I have uninstalled daP beta, after discovering that it would not allow me choose what icon was associated with my mp3 files in windows explorer. It might be making a pretty fine point, but as a red/green individual who has spent a lifetime being stigmatized for that, having windows explorer display my mp3 files with little color wheels, is a BAD JOKE. :(
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: Negative comment on daP beta

    There is a way to do this. I believe it is in Install Options or something similar in the Start Menu under Programs --> dBPowerAMP --> Configuration.

    Also, if nothing else, use the Windows Folder Options to change the icon.


    • g_s_49

      • Jan 2007
      • 24

      Re: Negative comment on daP beta

      I tried the install options, and it did not respond, so I removed the beta and reinstalled release 2. That worked just fine. Frankly, I didn't notice that was any improvement. That undoubtedly means I'm not a very sophisticated user, but whatever.


      • JahSun
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Nov 2003
        • 69

        You CAN change the Icons like so...

        You can in fact change the icons.

        Under Program Files > Illustrate > dbPower Amp > audio-icons you will find your icon cache. Anything not overtly mentioned here reverts to the config.exe icon (the little guitar). I don't have issues with the RGB color wheel, but I do prefer the guitar. You can change the icons by simply renaming the ones that are there or importing some other icon files and giving them the correct name. After you reboot you should have your choice icons.

        If you want, you can alter the registry itself. It takes a little registry know how, but isnt complicated though.

        HKLM > Software > Classes:

        dbPowerAMP.Mp3.musicfile (or dbPowerAMP.any other installed codec)

        This key points to the icon. You can change it to be any icon on your computer. Change the default:
        C:\PROGRAM FILES\ILLUSTRATE\DBPOWERAMP\audio-icons\mp3.ico,0
        C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpowerAMP\config.exe,0

        and voila! You have the little guitar back.


        Now if I could just figure out how to turn the DAP beta's screen back to black I will be a truly happy camper. (The white screen is not nearly as groovy)



        • Craze
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Oct 2002
          • 308

          Re: You CAN change the Icons like so...

          Originally posted by JahSun
          Now if I could just figure out how to turn the DAP beta's screen back to black I will be a truly happy camper. (The white screen is not nearly as groovy)


          It is relativley simple to modify your MMC color scheme and many of the skins available have different color schemes which may be appealing.

          There is a lot of information about How To do this located in the following threads.
          I was looking for the thread on the old forum for what each line represented. couldn't find it :headbang: I was just going to write beside each line/set what part of MMC the numbers represented to make it a little easier for me to produce the best known MMC colour schemes on earth. :rolleyes: 153 [window background]

          I believe these threads are located in the Skins Creation forum below.

          I'm uploading a file that may be close to the original. Can't remember exactly.
          All you have to do is replace the 'colors' text file for the player skin that you are using with this file. If you're using the Default player skin, the location for this replacement is found in C:\ProgramFiles\Illustrate\dBpowerAMP\Skins\Defaul t\Editor which is your MMC folder.
          Replace the file named 'colors'.

          Hope this is helpful.
          Best wishes.

