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Foobar2000 Mobile Crashing with TuneFusion Sync

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  • Corteq

    • Jan 2020
    • 16

    Foobar2000 Mobile Crashing with TuneFusion Sync

    I have been using Foobar2000 Mobile on my iPhone 6S Plus for a while successfully and want to move to TuneFusion for syncing content. After syncing for about 10 minutes on a large library Foobar crashes and the sync fails. I can't restart Foobar as it crashes on the startup screen. Things I have tried:

    1. Shutdown and restart phone. Cannot start Foobar
    2. Remove and reinstall Foobar - works fine until partially synced and crashes again stuffing the app. Reinstall again.
    3. Had success with small sync (5 albums) but can't do a larger sync (40 albums) without crashing.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: Foobar2000 Mobile Crashing with TuneFusion Sync

    Just to check you are running the latest foobar.

    What type of audio are your files?


    • PeterP
      Super Moderator
      • Jul 2011
      • 1498

      Re: Foobar2000 Mobile Crashing with TuneFusion Sync

      Thanks for the bug report, the problem is being invesigated.

      I'd like to have a look at debug logs from both ends from the time the problem occurred.
      Detailed instructions:
      Note that it should be still possible to recover foobar2000 mobile logs even if it doesn't start - enable console logging prior to pairing TuneFUSION, crash, retrieve debug logs through iTunes file sharing.
      If you're unable to retireve foobar2000 mobile logs, please get me at least the logs from the TuneFUSION application. You can email them to if they're too large to post on the forum.

      Please also subscribe to foobar2000 mobile beta test program to get new bug fixes first-
      Last edited by PeterP; January 07, 2020, 12:47 PM.


      • Corteq

        • Jan 2020
        • 16

        Re: Foobar2000 Mobile Crashing with TuneFusion Sync

        Thanks for your response. No logs are available as I reinstalled again but Spoon's question about the type of audio files put me on the right track. I thought I had it set to convert file to mp3, but it was doing a 1:1 copy. Most files were flac but a few dsf were included. I'm pretty sure it was these that caused the crash. I now have 130 albums successfully synced as mp3 and Foobar is behaving well. TuneFusion is an excellent program, but I will have to study it a bit more.


        • Corteq

          • Jan 2020
          • 16

          Re: Foobar2000 Mobile Crashing with TuneFusion Sync

          Darn! Not so lucky. I have been experimenting with the program and decided to re-sync using m4a as my format instead of mp3. Got about 50% through my 130 albums and the phone rang. After answering the call I switched back to Foobar only to find it had crashed. The same symptoms as before, when you open the app it hangs at the logo window for a few seconds, then closes. Perhaps moving away from Foobar when it is syncing causes corruption? The only thing I could do was to delete Foobar and reinstall. Of course this means I have to recreate my sync settings again (and painfully choose all the albums again - see Feature Request post).

          Logs are of no help as the Windows one just indicated the sync ended.


          • PeterP
            Super Moderator
            • Jul 2011
            • 1498

            Re: Foobar2000 Mobile Crashing with TuneFusion Sync

            Do you perhaps still have TuneFUSION app logs of the issue? They're always written in %APPDATA%\TuneFUSION . Put %APPDATA%\TuneFUSION in Windows Explorer location bar, you will hopefully see subfolders named Log-<somenumber> with logs of individual defined synchronizations.


            • Corteq

              • Jan 2020
              • 16

              Re: Foobar2000 Mobile Crashing with TuneFusion Sync

              The logs don't appear to be very helpful in this instance. All that is reported is Sync cancelled like this one below. I had to delete syncs and recreate them after reinstalling Foobar on my iPhone so that removed the earlier logs, but they appeared the same only after a reasonable amount of clear copies. I tried to repeat the exercise using a local drive as the target and had no problems. Because of this and the lack of errors in the logs I am picking the issue is at the Foobar end. Has anybody else reported Foobar crashing with TuneFusion?

              Sync started on Tuesday, 7 January 2020, 0:24:39 AM to foobar2000 on Grahams-iPhone
              Sync cancelled.


              • PeterP
                Super Moderator
                • Jul 2011
                • 1498

                Re: Foobar2000 Mobile Crashing with TuneFusion Sync

                Thanks for the info.

                A new beta version - 1.2.0 beta 7 - is available, it includes a fix for a verified startup crash bug + additional debug code to give me more detailed telemetry if you can still trigger this crash.


                • Corteq

                  • Jan 2020
                  • 16

                  Re: Foobar2000 Mobile Crashing with TuneFusion Sync

                  Originally posted by PeterP
                  Thanks for the info.

                  A new beta version - 1.2.0 beta 7 - is available, it includes a fix for a verified startup crash bug + additional debug code to give me more detailed telemetry if you can still trigger this crash.
                  I have tried 1.3 but it doesn't work in Windows 10. I've reported this on the right thread. Thank you for the suggestion though. I will try the next beta.


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44847

                    Re: Foobar2000 Mobile Crashing with TuneFusion Sync

                    Peter talks about an updated foobar, not TuneFUSION.


                    • Corteq

                      • Jan 2020
                      • 16

                      Re: Foobar2000 Mobile Crashing with TuneFusion Sync

                      Originally posted by Spoon
                      Peter talks about an updated foobar, not TuneFUSION.

