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PerfectTunes AR results affected by metadata ???

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  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44755

    It looks like the checking backwards against the different pressings did not happen for what ever reason, perhaps because of the frame re-rips


    • FrancescoT

      • Mar 2024
      • 41

      Originally posted by Spoon
      It looks like the checking backwards against the different pressings did not happen for what ever reason, perhaps because of the frame re-rips
      Sorry, just to be clear. Is dBp the one missing that backward checking? Does that mean that (at least in this case and possibly in general) one should trust PerfectTunes rather than dBp? In any case, if you're going to look into these issues, I'm ready to help you running tests with my CDs.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44755

        A positive match is impossible without the correct data. dBpoweramp was not able to lookup for that last track across the different pressings, it should be able to so we are investigating why it did not.


        • FrancescoT

          • Mar 2024
          • 41

          I would like now to go back to the original title of this thread. I keep each ripped CD of mine in a separate subdirectory, and I have the "Album matching grouped by folder" option checked in PT, and the "Use AccurateRip results" unchecked. It now happens that if to each directory there also correspond a unique Album tag of the contained files, then PT happily returns a positive and accurate match for that CD, while if -- for obvious cataloging reasons very common in classical music -- I split the files of a folder into two or more different Album tags, then FOR EACH ALBUM (not CD) PT returns a "Cannot check: incomplete album" verdict. So it appears that at least the Album tag does influence PT's AR results, which refer to Albums tags and not to individual physical rips. I haven't seen any indication of this in the documentation, and I find it wrong that this should be the correct AR lookup interpretation.

          Edit: the same happens if I uncheck the "Album matching grouped by folder" option.
          Last edited by FrancescoT; April 24, 2024, 07:11 AM.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44755

            Either all and only all the tracks of the disc have to be in the same folder, or the album name has to be identical.


            • FrancescoT

              • Mar 2024
              • 41

              Originally posted by Spoon
              Either all and only all the tracks of the disc have to be in the same folder, or the album name has to be identical.
              That's what I wrote: I have all tracks of a physical CD in the same folder -- and only those.


              • FrancescoT

                • Mar 2024
                • 41

                Here's a link to an example:


                • FrancescoT

                  • Mar 2024
                  • 41

                  Originally posted by simbun
                  If you have album, discnumber and tracknumber correctly tagged, it appears that PerfectTunes does a good job in identifying individual discs and verifying them with AccurateRip, even across folders if 'Album Matching Grouped by Folder' is disabled.

                  Even with 'Album Matching Grouped by Folder' enabled, it looks like PerfectTunes still groups by the album tag, so if you've split a disc into multiple albums then it'll fail. It seems this option just stops PerfectTunes from attempting to merge across folders to make complete discs (whether that's by design I don't know).
                  In my view, it would make sense that the program looks at the album and track# tags across folders if the 'Album Matching Grouped by Folder' option is off, because this is of help to the user, who may not wish to match rips to folders. (But NOTE: it should say so in the doc, because it implies a constraint on the metadata.). But it's definitely NOT OK that it still groups by album tag if that option is on. That should mean instead that the user is free to choose whatever metadata they like (even none at all) as long as they take care of not splitting rips across folders (of course, a folder may contain more than one whole rip).


                  • FrancescoT

                    • Mar 2024
                    • 41

                    Originally posted by simbun
                    I agree that there's some value in having an option that defines one DISC per folder, but if you also want to have multiple discs per folder "(of course, a folder may contain more than one whole rip)" then it needs to start using the metadata.
                    Yes you're right. As I said, I'm keeping one rip per folder, anyway, and that's what I was focused on.

                    Originally posted by simbun
                    I don't know much about classical tagging, but are you using the ALBUM tag for what would normally be stored in WORK?
                    No, not necessarily. Work is meant to be the name of an opus, a self contained piece of music often comprising more "movements" (tracks). An album is a larger collection, indeed often coinciding with one or more CDs (no problem there), but useful for splitting CDs when an opus spans more CDs and/or they also contain other works possibly by different composers and/or performers. Multi-CD releases (boxed sets) containing a packed collection of (often previously released individually) performances by one or more artists are a case in point.


                    • FrancescoT

                      • Mar 2024
                      • 41

                      Downloaded latest update of dBp (2024-05-01), which in the release notes says: "Bug Fix: CD Ripper: if a track required re-ripping of bad frames, then AccurateRip cross checking of pressings for that one track would fail"
                      Must report that the rip of Hyperion CDA66468 still shows exactly the same issue as before: dBp reports last track as secure but inaccurate, while PerfectTunes reports the whole rip as accurate. Rip files are identical to those already uploaded in my post n.59 Why does the text not fit on the buttons?


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44755

                        It is not on the macOS version yet, sorry, next update and it will be.


                        • PeterP
                          Super Moderator
                          • Jul 2011
                          • 1490

                          Updated Mac dBpoweramp with the fix included:


                          • FrancescoT

                            • Mar 2024
                            • 41

                            Can somebody please explain the following finding: I have an old rip of album Deutsche Grammophon 4777978, where all tracks (according to the "AccurateRipResult" tag) were ripped accurately (confidence 200). PerfectTunes reports this rip as "Incomplete" . If I now rip again this CD, all tracks are ripped accurately, the files have identical md5 hash as the old ones, and the DiscID is (of course) the same, but this time PerfectTunes says the album was ripped accurately. In enclose logs of old and new rips.
                            Attached Files


                            • Spoon
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 44755

                              "track : 1/17"

                              That is the issue, it is a 16 track disc, yet the tags have 17


                              • FrancescoT

                                • Mar 2024
                                • 41

                                Ok thanks. So PT is even fooled by such mistakes. Hard to believe that this should be the intended behaviour.

