Okay i am having a problem with auxiallry input. I'm trying to record my napster songs to mp3. I followed the instructions provided in another part of the forum, and I tired to follow them to the best of my understanding. Here is what my options configuration looks like.
Now, i go into napster, find a song, any song because i am just testing this out right now. I play it, it plays fine, i stop it so it will start at the begining. I got back to the auxiallry input program, hit the record button and quickly jump back to napster to play the song. Here is what happens after about 5 seconds.
It recognizes that something is playing and seems to record it. Also, i tok this screenshot at a VERY rare point when the VU bar was low green, it is usually spiking in the red, and my volume settings as seen in my other screenshot are almost muted. Okay, after it starts to record i hear the song play wierd, it echo's and sounds like it is double playing the song. i let it go on for about 20 seconds to just get a 30 or 40 second download to listen to. I go find the file on my harddrive, its there. I play it with windows media player, it plays, but again i hear the echo and the double play. I don't know how else to describe it, i can send you [anybody that is willing to help me] so you can listen to it. I am new to this program so it may just get a Operator [ME] Mistake, i hope thats all and someone can quickly help me.
Also, sorry for some of my run on rentences and bad spelling/grammer. i had a longer, more though out better spelled post written before, but i was not logged on so i lost that post.

Now, i go into napster, find a song, any song because i am just testing this out right now. I play it, it plays fine, i stop it so it will start at the begining. I got back to the auxiallry input program, hit the record button and quickly jump back to napster to play the song. Here is what happens after about 5 seconds.

It recognizes that something is playing and seems to record it. Also, i tok this screenshot at a VERY rare point when the VU bar was low green, it is usually spiking in the red, and my volume settings as seen in my other screenshot are almost muted. Okay, after it starts to record i hear the song play wierd, it echo's and sounds like it is double playing the song. i let it go on for about 20 seconds to just get a 30 or 40 second download to listen to. I go find the file on my harddrive, its there. I play it with windows media player, it plays, but again i hear the echo and the double play. I don't know how else to describe it, i can send you [anybody that is willing to help me] so you can listen to it. I am new to this program so it may just get a Operator [ME] Mistake, i hope thats all and someone can quickly help me.
Also, sorry for some of my run on rentences and bad spelling/grammer. i had a longer, more though out better spelled post written before, but i was not logged on so i lost that post.