I have followed the instructions in Codec Central and downloaded the DirectShow Codec (Reader) and Real Alternative. I have configured the Codec to recognise the installed filter (as per Help file). Yet whenever I try to convert ra files I get the following error message:
The CODEC required to decompress 'D:\Archives\eyeofthetiger[1].ra' could not be opened.
DirectShow filter for '.ra' not installed, or Audio File Corrupt.
The files play fine in real Alternative and in any case I'm pretty sure they would not all be corrupt. Is there something I'm missing here?
BTW, my OS is Win 98SE
Regards, Malcolm
I have followed the instructions in Codec Central and downloaded the DirectShow Codec (Reader) and Real Alternative. I have configured the Codec to recognise the installed filter (as per Help file). Yet whenever I try to convert ra files I get the following error message:
The CODEC required to decompress 'D:\Archives\eyeofthetiger[1].ra' could not be opened.
DirectShow filter for '.ra' not installed, or Audio File Corrupt.
The files play fine in real Alternative and in any case I'm pretty sure they would not all be corrupt. Is there something I'm missing here?
BTW, my OS is Win 98SE
Regards, Malcolm