Cyrillic Tag - error after converting
Need your help with Cyrillic Tags.
dBPowerAMP Music Converter Release 11
1.mp3 to 2.mp3
in 1.mp3 - there's ID3v1 & ID3v2 have Tags on russian (cyrillic).
After converting 1.mp3 to 2.mp3, cyrillic changes to some unreadable symbols.
In dBPowerAMP release 9 there wasn't such a problem as I remember.
Would you please advise a soluton?
Thanx anyway!!!
Need your help with Cyrillic Tags.
dBPowerAMP Music Converter Release 11
1.mp3 to 2.mp3
in 1.mp3 - there's ID3v1 & ID3v2 have Tags on russian (cyrillic).
After converting 1.mp3 to 2.mp3, cyrillic changes to some unreadable symbols.
In dBPowerAMP release 9 there wasn't such a problem as I remember.
Would you please advise a soluton?
Thanx anyway!!!