I'm trying to convert MP3's to small .wav files(32Kbit/s, 16,000 Stero 3Kb sec)
I keep getting this error.....The CODEC required to compress(name of file & drive)could not be opened. I have all the codec's installed both in my Illustrate folder in program files & in my windows system folder too.
Please help me Mr spoon man :cry:
I even bought and installed the full version of the Power Pack.
That was a waste of money.
I keep getting this error.....The CODEC required to compress(name of file & drive)could not be opened. I have all the codec's installed both in my Illustrate folder in program files & in my windows system folder too.
Please help me Mr spoon man :cry:
I even bought and installed the full version of the Power Pack.
That was a waste of money.