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AC3 to multichannel flac

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  • Dat Ei
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Feb 2014
    • 1810

    AC3 to multichannel flac

    Hello, hello,

    is it possible to convert an ac3 file with 6 channels (ripped from a DVD) with dBpa into a multichannel flac?

    Dat Ei
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: AC3 to multichannel flac




    • Dat Ei
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Feb 2014
      • 1810

      Re: AC3 to multichannel flac

      Hey Spoon,

      ok, I've followed the instruction, but I still have some problems.

      1.) I can select files with the extension ac3 within Batch Converter after I've edited the directshow.txt file, but I still don't get "Convert To" in the explorer context menu for this extension.

      2.) If I convert a 6 channel ac3 file to flac, the result is just a 2 channel flac. Is it possible to convert into a 6 channel flac? How?

      Dat Ei


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        Re: AC3 to multichannel flac

        Try configuring it:

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        there could be an option what to output as.

        To get Convert To on right click, run dBpoweramp Control Centre, remove the convert to option, close Control Centre, then re-run it and add.


        • Dat Ei
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Feb 2014
          • 1810

          Re: AC3 to multichannel flac

          Hey Spoon,

          still no improvements. I have installed AC3File, AC3Filter and dBpoweramp DirectShow Decoder on my system running Windows 10, 64bit (1803) and the latest dBpoweramp R16.5 beta.

          Even after I have installed DirectShow Decoder the dBpa Control Center doesn't show the DirectShow decoder or any further infos about that decoder. In Batch Converter I can select ac3 files and i.e. Test convert them. If I convert them into flac files, those flac files are still 2ch files.

          The "Convert to" menu entry is still missing, even if I follow your instructions.

          So there must exist some fundamental problem or I do not have all infos to manage the ac3 conversion.

          Dat Ei
          Attached Files


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44825

            Re: AC3 to multichannel flac

            It is listed in the image you uploaded:


            You have to configure the AC3Filter externally, I do not have it installed so cannot say what settings need changing, right now it is decoding as 2 channel.


            • Dat Ei
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Feb 2014
              • 1810

              Re: AC3 to multichannel flac

              Originally posted by Spoon
              It is listed in the image you uploaded:

              Ok. I wasn't sure about that because there is no further information in the Right column, like for the other codecs.

              Originally posted by Spoon
              You have to configure the AC3Filter externally, I do not have it installed so cannot say what settings need changing, right now it is decoding as 2 channel.
              I'll see if I find the solution, or if another user can assist me. It isn't that urgent or important. I just wanted to convert some music DVDs into multichannel flacs.

              Dat Ei


              • ac16161
                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                • Mar 2012
                • 116

                Re: AC3 to multichannel flac

                Potential workflow to consider that you may find to be quite robust:

                back up your DVD/blu-ray concert to mkv using makemkv

                drop the .mkv file into MKVToolNix, select the audio track and chapter points only, and on the output tab select split mode "before chapters" and type "all" in the chapter numbers box. Hit the Start multiplexing button and you will get one .mka file per chapter (typically each song).

                convert the .mka files to .wav using gMKVExtract or ffmpeg. I find ffmpeg is better at handling 7.1 HD tracks.

                once you have a batch of .wav files, convert as required with dbpoweramp, tag with MP3tag. The filename-from-tags utility codec is useful here too. There's another thread here where Spoon advised the best settings for down-mixing multi-channel to stereo.


                • ac16161
                  dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                  • Mar 2012
                  • 116

                  Re: AC3 to multichannel flac

                  Originally posted by ac16161
                  Potential workflow to consider that you may find to be quite robust:

                  back up your DVD/blu-ray concert to mkv using makemkv

                  drop the .mkv file into MKVToolNix, select the audio track and chapter points only, and on the output tab select split mode "before chapters" and type "all" in the chapter numbers box. Hit the Start multiplexing button and you will get one .mka file per chapter (typically each song).

                  convert the .mka files to .wav using gMKVExtract or ffmpeg. I find ffmpeg is better at handling 7.1 HD tracks.

                  once you have a batch of .wav files, convert as required with dbpoweramp, tag with MP3tag. The filename-from-tags utility codec is useful here too. There's another thread here where Spoon advised the best settings for down-mixing multi-channel to stereo.
                  Just to add, once you've got your .mka files, my recommendation would be to use ffmpeg thereafter, using an appropriate batch script. E.g. under Windows,

                  FOR %%f IN (*.mka) DO (
                  echo Converting: %%f
                  ..\ffmpeg -i "%%f" -acodec flac "%%~nf.flac"

                  or under linux something like this

                  for file in /volume1/../*.mka; do /usr/local/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg -i "$file" -acodec flac "${file%.mka}".flac; done

                  My linux boxes are Synology, and the pre-installed version of ffmpeg does not support dts, but the Syno Community version does.


                  • Dat Ei
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Feb 2014
                    • 1810

                    Re: AC3 to multichannel flac

                    Hey ac16161,

                    thanks for your input, but I have to clarify some things. I have already extracted the audio track, separated in chapters and in a multichannel ac3 format. What I want now is to convert those multichannel ac3 files into multichannel flac files. There is no need for me to down-mix the mutlichannel audio tracks as the DVDs have 2ch audio tracks as well, which I have successfully converted in 2ch flac files already.

                    Dat Ei


                    • ac16161
                      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                      • Mar 2012
                      • 116

                      Re: AC3 to multichannel flac

                      Originally posted by Dat Ei
                      Hey ac16161,

                      thanks for your input, but I have to clarify some things. I have already extracted the audio track, separated in chapters and in a multichannel ac3 format. What I want now is to convert those multichannel ac3 files into multichannel flac files. There is no need for me to down-mix the mutlichannel audio tracks as the DVDs have 2ch audio tracks as well, which I have successfully converted in 2ch flac files already.

                      Dat Ei
                      In that case I would just push them through ffmpeg, batch script as above will do multiple files in one go.


                      • eXtremeDevil

                        • Nov 2018
                        • 2

                        Re: AC3 to multichannel flac

                        Hello, I'm having troubles with the DirectShow decoder. I used to have a 1803 Windows 10 with dbPoweramp (not latest version if I recall correctly). I had ac3file, ac3filter and DirectShow decoder installed and I could convert my ac3 files to whatever other format.

                        Then my windows broke. I had to format everything. Now I have clean Win10 Pro 1803 with dbPoweramp 16.1, ac3file and ac3filter, and the DirectShow decoder (latest, release 3). But not I get error 'unable to insert simplegrabber' when I try to convert ac3.

                        I have searched about the error and it seems to be a DS decoder bug, but I know I got it working before.

                        Any idea why? Any workaround?



                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44825

                          Re: AC3 to multichannel flac

                          I do not think the filters are working in place, you would have to investigate tools which show which filters are installed.


                          • eXtremeDevil

                            • Nov 2018
                            • 2

                            Re: AC3 to multichannel flac

                            Funny though, as I use AC3Filter on an almost daily basis. Anyway, I reinstalled dbPoweramp, then AC3Filter then AC3 file, and now it's working.

                            Thanks for the tip!!

