Hi, I still seem to be having this same problem, my only solution has been to disconnect cd drive and re-connect to restore high speed ripping. By loss of speed I mean 3x to 6x, and by re-connect I mean 30+x. I've tried allyour recommended solutions and they seem to work for awhile. Currently I'm using 2 plextor drives 40/12/40a, and 52/32/52 Premium. The first I use only for ripping and playback. Also other software I have is Plextools Pro v207, and Nero.I rarely use Nero. Tried ripping with Plextools and found 1st. ripp to be 30x 2nd.ripp fell to 8.5x, so same problem. I'm running XPsp1,Athlon 1.68ghz. All programs are updated to most current releases. All drives are recognized, and have tried all codecs including test conversion. Also DMC cofiguration is set to 2000/nt device IO and MMC, and have tried other config. settings. Also no difference if Power Pack is enabled or not. I can only guess that some setting is changing on me ,but I don't know how to track it down. Any help would be greatly apreciated.
loss ripping speed...a persistant problem
Re: loss ripping speed...a persistant problem
The drive is USB? Have you tried that 'Drive Speed' program to set the drive speed? -
Re: loss ripping speed...a persistant problem
Originally posted by JVILLASDrive is internal. Have not looked at the drive speed program as of yet. I will check it out. ThankxComment
Re: loss ripping speed...a persistant problem
When DMA (Direct Memory Access) is enabled, your computer's processor is not accessed.
more usefull info here: http://www.iomega.com/support/documents/10144.htmlComment