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Sample Rate Conversions

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  • Microbe

    • Jul 2015
    • 2

    Sample Rate Conversions

    Hello everybody, the first time I used this software was around the year 2000 but this is the first time I've ever taken part in the forum.

    My question is this : can I use the Music Converter to convert the sample rate from 48.000 to 44.100 (iPhone doesn't support higher than this for ALAC.. grr)? I've tried looking in the program but I can't find the option anywhere, so I'm hoping that I missed it.

    Thanks for your replies.
  • mville
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Dec 2008
    • 4023

    Re: Sample Rate Conversions

    Right click file and select Convert To. From the Converting To dropdown menu select ALAC. Click the Add button, then from the Add DSP Effect dropdown, select the Resample DSP.


    • mildpumpmilk

      • Jul 2015
      • 1

      Re: Sample Rate Conversions

      I don't know about other conversions, upsampling etc. in dbpoweramp.
      I have done only from 96k to 44.1k and specially for site. You can find it there. It was my job))
      Almost ideal high-cut filter starts at about 22 kHz (almost brickwall - saves your frequency range 99.99%). Aliasing is about -180 dB and lower (even more than enough for 32 bit int / 32 bit float files). Linear Phase (no phase shifts due to filtering, so clipping won't appear, or will be extremely slight if audio file is already clipped, but there is pre- and post-ringing in 22kHz area due to linear-phase filter. It is quiet and innoticeable, because it is out of range you can hear; as well as linear phase filtering saves transients, no smearing like in minimum phase which can be found in a lot of digital EQs/filters and in all analog EQs/filters, because analog ones and minimum phase digital EQs do phase shifts and transient smearing; Pre/Post-ringings there are less than in dbPoweramp). More closer filter in Brick 1.2 (Mac only).
      Better SRC with more ideal (closer to 22.05kHz cut) - FinalCD 0.17 with "Sharp" function. Can be linear as well. Less aliasing, more frequency range (a bit), but it is almost innoticeable nuances. FinalCD works only as downsampling (from 96, 88.2, 48 to 44.1 kHz) only. Command-line + GUI version.
      iZotope RX 64-bit SRC. Linear-phase/Minimum Phase too. You can fine adjust filter and cut with ctrl button (and zoom in - to see "where you cut and how much aliasing you can achieve"). It can give much more aliasing with amost ideal settings (but innoticeable - about -170 dB; if you go higher with filter - more aliasing).
      SoX is very good. Top-notch as well, but can be smoother a bit. Lowest aliasing, smoother filters, a bit less range etc. More stuff there are. Command-line, but it is in latest Ableton Live 9 versions (9.11 and higher)
      Voxengo r8brain pro/free - good, but not excellent to me...It is very pro for 2000s.
      Audition's converter good as well.
      Recommend dbPoweramp (quick, easy, extremely high quality), FinalCD 0.17 ("Sharp" mode), iZotope RX's SRC, Brick 1.2 or higher (mac), SoX/AbletonLive9.11.
      Last edited by mildpumpmilk; July 29, 2015, 06:22 PM.


      • Microbe

        • Jul 2015
        • 2

        Re: Sample Rate Conversions

        That worked a treat. Thanks for all the extra info too . . . (I clearly have much to learn).

