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right click context menu not working

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  • Margaret

    • Jul 2015
    • 8

    right click context menu not working

    No context menu for music converter comes up with right click on selected file. It used to work - but no longer; I have checked codec and behaviour options, and both show no changes.
    using v 14 - checked for any updates but none required.
    advice appreciated please.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: right click context menu not working

    Uninstall dBpoweramp then reinstall.


    • Margaret

      • Jul 2015
      • 8

      Re: right click context menu not working

      I have uninstalled, downloaded again - restarted computer. Still no right click context menus available.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        Re: right click context menu not working

        Check your security software is not quarantining the dBpoweramp dlls.

        Check on a different audio type, such as wave


        • Margaret

          • Jul 2015
          • 8

          Re: right click context menu not working

          I cannot see that anything is quarantined.
          sorry, not sure what you mean by checking different audio type as wave and mp3 are both listed as installed - and no dialogue box comes up for me to do anything with music converter.
          did notice your advice on another thread to disable security before re-installing - if nothing being quarantined, is it worth trying this?


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44825

            Re: right click context menu not working

            You right click on a file and the menu shows? but Convert To is missing?


            • Margaret

              • Jul 2015
              • 8

              Re: right click context menu not working

              That's correct - no Convert to ... when i right click a music file this is what i see Click image for larger version

Name:	right click options.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	12.0 KB
ID:	292951- lots of other options but not what I need


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44825

                Re: right click context menu not working

                Windows has a limit of the number of items it will add to the right click menu, and there is no way to decide what appears and what does not. Try removing 2 of the other ones.


                • Margaret

                  • Jul 2015
                  • 8

                  Re: right click context menu not working

                  To do as you suggest, from what I can see it's either fiddling with the registry editor (which I don't want to do as I don't know enough to be fiddling there) or else downloading other apps / utilities (and I have no idea of the quality of the advice offered which suggests these options).

                  it used to work - nothing is changed as far as I am aware. But now I can do nothing at all in that area - it's not just a matter of the right click context menu.
                  Is there any other way I can access it? - I get no joy from attempting to access it through the Illustrate program files, either.


                  • mville
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Dec 2008
                    • 4023

                    Re: right click context menu not working

                    Originally posted by Margaret
                    To do as you suggest, from what I can see it's either fiddling with the registry editor (which I don't want to do as I don't know enough to be fiddling there) or else downloading other apps / utilities (and I have no idea of the quality of the advice offered which suggests these options).

                    it used to work - nothing is changed as far as I am aware. But now I can do nothing at all in that area - it's not just a matter of the right click context menu.
                    Is there any other way I can access it? - I get no joy from attempting to access it through the Illustrate program files, either.
                    Which Windows Operating System are using?

                    Are you using Windows Media Player?
                    Last edited by mville; July 12, 2015, 11:48 AM.


                    • Margaret

                      • Jul 2015
                      • 8

                      Re: right click context menu not working

                      windows 8.1 - and no, not using windows media player


                      • mville
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Dec 2008
                        • 4023

                        Re: right click context menu not working

                        Originally posted by Margaret
                        windows 8.1 - and no, not using windows media player
                        From the Windows 8.1 desktop, right click the Start button and select Run. Type regedit and click OK. The Registry Editor window appears. In the left-hand window pane, navigate to the following registry key:
                        HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\dBpoweramp Batch Convert\command

                        In the right-hand window pane do you see this?:

                        PLEASE NOTE: Warning. Using the registry editor is an advanced Windows feature. If you make changes to your registry using the registry editor, backup your PC first, before making any changes. Use the registry editor at your own risk.
                        Last edited by mville; July 12, 2015, 12:58 PM. Reason: Registry Editor warning


                        • Margaret

                          • Jul 2015
                          • 8

                          Re: right click context menu not working

                          hoping that I have followed your instructions properly, I see no shell\dbpoweramp combination. So, it seems something is wrong.
                          under shell the following are the only options:

                          If I go to dbpoweramp, there are various lines - .ape, .bwf, .flac, ... .wv - 9 in total, but ( all audio types? - does not include mp3)

                          all our music is .flac - I want to convert some to mp3 format to use in the car system.


                          • mville
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • Dec 2008
                            • 4023

                            Re: right click context menu not working

                            Originally posted by Margaret
                            hoping that I have followed your instructions properly, I see no shell\dbpoweramp combination. So, it seems something is wrong.
                            In Windows File Explorer, navigate to C:\Program Files\dBpoweramp. Is there a file named DMCFileSelector.exe in this directory?

                            If so, right-click this file and select Send To >> Desktop (create Shortcut). Rename the newly created desktop shortcut to dBpoweramp Batch Converter. You can use this shortcut as a workaround to the missing context menu entries.

                            The context menu entries are created when installing dBpoweramp. Something is stopping these entries being created (usually, this is due to security/anti-virus software).

                            Are you running 32-bit or 64-bit Windows? Are you logged into Windows 8.1 with an administrative user account? Any reason why you have not upgraded to dBpweramp R15?

                            You can also try removing the Windows Media Player context menu entries using the method outlined here (I would advise you backup your PC before editing):
                            Countless numbers of free audio and video players are available for Windows. Most Windows users have installed at least two or more third-party media
                            Last edited by mville; July 12, 2015, 01:28 PM.


                            • Margaret

                              • Jul 2015
                              • 8

                              Re: right click context menu not working

                              thank you for your help - I think it is all working now - I have both convert to and batch convert with right click. Decided with missing files I was best to uninstall, de-activate security, re-install, re-start, restore security - though I am puzzled that the security quarantine chest did not show any dbpoweramp files, so I did not realise files were incomplete.

                              in answer to your other questions, probably redundant now, but nevertheless: windows 64 bit, logged in with administrator rights. have left windows media player context menu entries alone.
                              and why no upgrade - I think I felt that v14 did all I needed, but that is maybe not the most sensible approach - would be interested to hear your reasoning in favour of v15. Would I have avoided this current dilemma with v15?? Also, at the moment, am using a pc, though I use a mac most often; I had delayed upgrade considerations because no mac os version was available.

