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Professional Frequency Conversion / Speed Issues

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  • brandonjp
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Mar 2003
    • 53

    Professional Frequency Conversion / Speed Issues

    I've read several past posts, but am still a bit curious. I, too, have had a lot of headache lately from the time it takes to convert. In the past, dMC has been more than AMAZING, but lately when converting from SHN to WAV it takes 4 minutes to create a 722KB WAV file. I'm very interested in Quality, but I don't expect to wait hours to convert a few files.

    What are the noticable differences between the Professional Frequency Conversion & normal conversion? Also, are there any other ideas as to why things are running so slowly for me now? I've used software called mkw Compression Toolkit ( and the SHN's went to WAV's in a matter of seconds. If it matters...I'm running a 1.0 Ghz P-III, 512 RAM, WinXP. I've had speed problems on almost all conversions (CDA to WAV, WAV to APE & FLAC and back, etc.) except WAV to MP3.

    Lastly, I honestly can't say enough good about the program on the whole. dMC is FANTASTIC, and my friends are (one-by-one) being convinced as well. Keep up the GREAT work!!

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Check that you do not have any dSP effects running, such as 'Volume Normalize', failing that you can reset dMC by:

    start >> Run >> regedit.exe

    browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Illustrate and delete the key (folder) dBpowerAMP.


    • brandonjp
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Mar 2003
      • 53

      #3 DSP's running...but I deleted the Reg Key and then converted 10 SHN's to WAV's in a minute & half.

      If you have time to reply...what changed that slowed things down & why did deleting the RegKey fix it?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44840

        Not sure which setting it was, deleteing that key puts dMC back to an after install state.

