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Power Pack not Installed?

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    Power Pack not Installed?

    Hi hopefully someone can help me with this. I downloaded and installed the Sveta Portable program. This came with the Power Pack and DbPowerAmp itself and I allowed these to install aswell. However when I went to run Sveta it gave this message:

    "Power Pack must be installed to run this program. Visit"

    But I just installed it! Anyway I went to the Start Menu and checked the Power Pack Status and it said that it was unregistered (which it is) but that the trial had expired. But like I said I just installed it. I should point out that dbpoweramp itself runs fine. When I go to transfer files to my RIO 600 though it tells me that the power pack needs to be installed!??

    The thing is I have had dbpoweramp for a while and maybe the expiry ran out on that? surely the trial period is on Sveta only though? anyway if anyone could help it'd be much appreciated.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Yes, there was a bug in Release 5 that started the clock running so to
    speak - run this to reactivate it:


