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Import Album Art via ID Tag Processing DSP Unsuccessful

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  • Memphis Foundry

    • Mar 2007
    • 12

    Import Album Art via ID Tag Processing DSP Unsuccessful

    Hello -- I am running Reference R13. I'm ripping CDs to FLAC using the FLAC release 12 codec. I'm collecting the album art externally and saving it to a cover.jpg file in the rip target directory and then using the "ID Tag Processing" DSP action set to "import album art" to pull the cover.jpg file into the FLAC album art tag.

    However, even though the file exists in the directory prior to the beginning of the rip, none of the files that I've ripped in testing have contained an album art tag. I have tried specifying both the default cover.jpg choice in the dropdown and also a full file path but neither seems to be successful. Any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong?

  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: Import Album Art via ID Tag Processing DSP Unsuccessful

    How large is the .jpg file? Your putting the file in the directory dMC ends up putting the files from the rip, right? What about using the [ID Tag Processing] utility codec after the fact, does that import the album art in?


    • Memphis Foundry

      • Mar 2007
      • 12

      Re: Import Album Art via ID Tag Processing DSP Unsuccessful

      The .jpg is 44k -- it's stored in the same directory that the FLACs are ripped to.

      After the files are ripped, I can go back and run a "Convert" on the files from FLAC to FLAC and add them to the same directory, and if I include the ID Tag Processing DSP set to "import album art" with the same rules that I used on the original rip, the album art is added to the converted file.

      Edited to add: I'm on Windows XP, and there is one other DSP running when I do the rips -- ReplayGain.

      Edited again: tried removing the ReplayGain DSP but I'm still not getting album art embedded in the original FLACs.
      Last edited by Memphis Foundry; August 18, 2008, 01:05 AM.


      • LtData
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • May 2004
        • 8288

        Re: Import Album Art via ID Tag Processing DSP Unsuccessful

        Try using the utility codec, because then you don't have to re-convert the files, the utility codecs just adds in the album art.

        Wait, I just realized what the problem was. Originally, the ID Tag Processing looked to the destination directory, but now it looks to the SOURCE directory for the album art. Since in your case, it's a CD, you can't use the DSP effect do this, you will have to use the utility codec.


        • Memphis Foundry

          • Mar 2007
          • 12

          Re: Import Album Art via ID Tag Processing DSP Unsuccessful

          Cool, but I'm a little bit confused about what to do because the ID Tag Processing codec is listed as a utility codec on the codec central page here:

          That's the one I was using before, I thought. I tried downloading the ID Tag Processing codec from that page but when I went to install it, it asked if I wanted to downgrade from version 2 of the codec to version 1, so I canceled the install.

          Is there a different utility codec that I should be using? Or are you saying that it's not possible to use the ID Tag Processing codec to add album art when ripping, but only when doing a second pass through the files where a source directory is provided to it?


          • LtData
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • May 2004
            • 8288

            Re: Import Album Art via ID Tag Processing DSP Unsuccessful

            No, that is the codec I am talking about. Note that "ID Tag Processing" is both a DSP effect and a utility codec. The utility codec does the same thing, but does it without the need to re-encode the files.

            I am saying that since dMC wants to read the album art from the source directory when importing, you can't import it when ripping a CD via the DSP effect. However, you can just use the "+" symbol in the CD ripper next to the album art, and pick "from file" to do it albeit in a manual way. The ripper will then add the album art to the files.


            • Memphis Foundry

              • Mar 2007
              • 12

              Re: Import Album Art via ID Tag Processing DSP Unsuccessful

              Thank you, Lt. Data.

