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explorer crashes, track number 0

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  • damond

    • Jan 2008
    • 8

    Re: explorer crashes, track number 0

    after i click advanced, before that it doesn't say anything


    • audiobug

      • Mar 2007
      • 25

      Re: explorer crashes, track number 0

      I have the exact same problem and have spent hours trying to find out what is causing this. Is there no solution?

      Is there any way to get the Windows Explorer tags, which are located in the "Summary" tab (after right-clicking on any mp3 and selecting "Properties" from the menu), to obtain its info from ID3 tags that I have made using the Tag&Rename program.

      This is really driving me nuts as I have searched high and low via the net and also on the forums here and there seems to be very little info. regarding the subject. For some reason, it appears that Windows Explorer has some sort of problem reading and generating its own tags from ID3 tags thus causing it to obtain its info from the filename.

      I have successfully created ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags which look great when viewing under their respective tab properties, but then when I view the "Summary" tab of any mp3's properties the info is not accurate. For example, all the track numbers are displayed as being "0" under the "Summary" tab while the ID3v1 and ID3v2 tabs have perfectly displayed numbering.

      Viewing the mp3s in MediaMonkey the tags generate perfectly. But when I view the same mp3s in windows media player the tags are inaccurate and display track numbers as being "0". So I'm guessing the "Summary" tab is primarily used for Windows Media Player and thus can't be edited using Tag&Rename? Is there any other way other than doing it manually? This is annoying as I have a type of shell-extension which pops-up when I hover my mouse over any mp3 but it displays only the WMP "summary" tab tags which are of course incorrect.

      If I right-click on the column list and select "options" this is the list I get:

      It's really long and seems to have many attributes listed twice, eg take "track number". If I tick both the "track number" attributes to display them in explorer then the values are different. Why does explorer display different values? I'm totally confused, are some of these attributes "explorer-related" and others "ID3-related"?

      This is what the "summary" tab for many of my mp3s looks like:

      Again the track number here is incorrect and does not correlate to the track number of my ID3 tag.

      There surely must be a way to bulk correct these values in the "summary" tab or does everybody just leave these values as incorrect?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44843

        Re: explorer crashes, track number 0

        The ' Track Number' column is not Windows, it is dBpoweramp and it is correctly displaying the track number.


        • audiobug

          • Mar 2007
          • 25

          Re: explorer crashes, track number 0

          Thanks for replying Spoon. But why are all the explorer track numbers 0? It seems that whenever a tag is edited the track numbers revert to 0 and/or a jumbled mess of numbers.


          • audiobug

            • Mar 2007
            • 25

            Re: explorer crashes, track number 0

            The track number 0 issue seems to have been discussed here without resolution:

            After I rip a cd, the file appears in my music folder with the track # and title, as I have it set up to do. However, when WMP 11(Vista Home Premium) reads the file, it doesn't see the track #, so it scrambles the order of the tracks. In files WMP has ripped, there is no "track" field, just a "name" field

            specifically post # 18 on page 2.

            If I go into the configuration settings of dbpoweramp it shows up the list of tag options I can display in explorer:

            I have tried deselecting them all but the list still stays the same length when I view the options menu (right-click on explorer columns) and looks the same as the first pic at the top of the thread. It does not seem to remove all the attributes.

            I think the fact that many attributes are listed twice in the above menu (the first picture a few posts up) has confused explorer causing it to post '0' track numbers. This could be a bug as I can't remove the attributes despite deselecting them all via the dbpoweramp config settings.
            Last edited by audiobug; March 27, 2008, 05:43 PM.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44843

              Re: explorer crashes, track number 0

              Nothing of the sort, you could uninstall dBpoweramp and Windows Explorer still cannot read the track number correctly, it just cannot do it (not sure if Vista fixed it). The '0' column is Windows and Windows does not use any part of dBpoweramp.


              • audiobug

                • Mar 2007
                • 25

                Re: explorer crashes, track number 0

                Hi Spoon, I posted this over at the other forum:

                SOLVED IT

                I looked at Tag&Rename's options setup again. In the 'tag' tab I unticked "Write unicode data into ID3v2 tags." And tadda, it worked!!!! Now all explorer track numbers replicate what my ID3v2 tags are saying so no more zeros...yesss!

                Thanks a lot for helping out and pointing me in the right direction, this problem has been really getting at me for too long now.


                • spud

                  • Mar 2008
                  • 2

                  Re: explorer crashes, track number 0

                  Originally posted by audiobug
                  Hi Spoon, I posted this over at the other forum:

                  SOLVED IT

                  I looked at Tag&Rename's options setup again. In the 'tag' tab I unticked "Write unicode data into ID3v2 tags." And tadda, it worked!!!! Now all explorer track numbers replicate what my ID3v2 tags are saying so no more zeros...yesss!

                  Thanks a lot for helping out and pointing me in the right direction, this problem has been really getting at me for too long now.
                  have had same problems since installing 12.4. seems install now messes with the windows explorer shell,and i too get track 0 in track number column,although this only affects ID3v2 tags.Again it depends on which type of ID3v2 tag,if ANSI,the track numbers generally show correct.If UTF16,then mostly show as 0..
                  Like Audiobug i use tag&rename for my mp3s,and his suggestion certainly works,but i wish to view russian,polish etc in dbpoweramp pop up view without gibberish being displayed.
                  My workaround was to go into advanced dbpoweramp config,enable explorer columns and use dbpoweramp track number column instead of windows,though this is not 100% [sometimes shows track 10 as 0]

                  Quote Spoon ''Windows has never been any good at reading id3v2 tags...'',well windows read the ID3v2 tags absolutely fine[ANSI or UTF16] before installing latest dbpoweramp.

                  Hope this gives more insight into problem


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44843

                    Re: explorer crashes, track number 0

                    Or put it a different way, there is no way that dBpoweramp changes Windows ability to read ID3v2 tags in any way what so ever.


                    • spud

                      • Mar 2008
                      • 2

                      Re: explorer crashes, track number 0

                      Sorry Spoon...should have explained better.After installing latest dbp,I got 3 registry changes relating to the windows shell ie. explorer.Since that install the v2 tags show incorrectly in the 'windows explorer' track # column in detailed view.
                      As this occurred after the installation,I drew logical conclusion that dbp had altered 'something'

                      PS thanks for program.Was using version 10,tried version 11 but was very slow at transcoding.Latest version back upto speed,cool new interface :smile2:


                      • sorrow

                        • Apr 2008
                        • 4

                        Dbpoweramp Displays Inaccurate track number's

                        I have a Similiar problem, although not exactly the same, but pretty similiar.

                        I run dbpoweramp v2.0 and nave noticed it now reads the track numbers incorrectly, incrementally.

                        so now tracks 1-10's read as 2,4,6-20. I tried to uninstall and reinstall, removing the Illustrate folder after uninstall and before reinstall as to not pick back up the playlist etc. Now tracks 1-10 read 4,8,12,16....40.

                        I have attached a link to a photo showing essentially this.
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                        I know in DBpoweramp if you add songs, it goes through your entire list, but files previously added are 'skipped' because they have already been tagged.

                        example, 500 songs in Dbpoweramp music collection, you now have 514 songs, you add your directory, zoom, it passes the previous 500 quickly, and the last 14 it writes into DBpoweramps DB file.

                        Well it seems like to me in my mind, when this is happening, its appending the id3 info to the file, rather then updating, thus on my pic seeing the title artist, etc these 4 times, which explains why it keeps stepping the tracts in this way.

                        Is there a way to clear this, or must I wait for a new release, or even use the older version of dbpoweramp, which worked fine in this regard?

