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issue with the Bit rate

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  • midnightskye

    • Dec 2007
    • 2

    issue with the Bit rate

    I have dBpowerAMP Music Converter and I am trying to convert to an AAC/MP4. I have update the option txt in order to have the options of the lower bit rates. I am currently running Windows Vista. The thing is that as per the instructions that I have received I have to click on the icon and select run as administrator I do this and the lower bit rates are not there. So i thought that I would just check and when I double click the software the lower bit rate is in there. How do I get the lower bit rate under the admin option. I have tried to uninstall and reinstall the software and then change the option.txt but the same thing still happens.

    The tech support I am dealing with are so rude it is unbelievable.

    If any one can help me it would be great!!

    PS I do now how to do this, since it did work fine on my Windows XP; I do not have that computer any longer.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: issue with the Bit rate

    >The tech support I am dealing with are so rude it is unbelievable.

    There is only 1 tech support and that is me, I do not recall an email about aac/mp4 in the last 4 months. Who are you talking to?

    Which bit rates are you after?


    • midnightskye

      • Dec 2007
      • 2

      Re: issue with the Bit rate

      Sorry I am talking about a website that I had gotten the software through. I had signed up for and they provider me with the software. it is version 10. It is their tech support that I am having the issue with. I thought I would come here for some help. I am just trying to create some ringtones for my cell phone.

      Basically when i create the ringtones if I want then longer than 10 secs they provided me with a new script for the options.txt in the compression folder. They stated that since I am using Vista that I have to right click on the icon and run as admin - i do this and the lower bit rates are not there. The lowest one is 48 kbps. When i run the software normally it shows the lower bit rates. but it will not allow me to complete because of a permissions issue.

