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FLAC not visible to Music Converter

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  • seanmca

    • Nov 2007
    • 5

    FLAC not visible to Music Converter

    I am new to dbpowerAMP and am having difficulty reading FLAC files - I have downloaded the codecs and can write FLAC files using CD Ripper but cannot then see them in Music Converter.

    In the configuration the write codec appears with release 10 next to it but there is no release number next to the read codec. Also file associations does not have FLAC listed.

    Hopefully this is just a daft newbie question?!
  • Wayne
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Aug 2002
    • 1254

    Re: FLAC not visible to Music Converter

    Can you copy your configuration details and paste them here?


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44840

      Re: FLAC not visible to Music Converter

      What extension do your flac files have? they should be .flac


      • seanmca

        • Nov 2007
        • 5

        Re: FLAC not visible to Music Converter

        Spoon - yes, the files do have flac extensions

        Wayne, see below:

        Codecs Installed

        Encoders (write)

        FLAC Release 10 (FLAC 1.2.0)
        mp3 (Lame) Lame 3.97
        Test Conversion
        Wave Release 12.3

        Decoders (read)

        CD Decoder Release 12.3
        FLAC Decoder
        mp3 Decoder Release 12.3
        .m2a, .mp1, .mp2, .mp3, .mpa, .mpeg, .mpg, .mpga, .mpx
        Wave Decoder Release 12.3

        Install on Demand

        Monkeys Audio .ape
        Apple Lossless .m4a
        m4a Nero (AAC) .mp4
        Musepack .mpc
        Ogg Vorbis .ogg
        Real Audio (Helix) .ra
        Windows Media Audio 10 .wma
        WavPack .wv
        AAC (Advanced Audio Compression) (read only) .aac
        Midi (read only) .mid
        Shorten (read only) .shn


        • xoas
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Apr 2002
          • 2662

          Re: FLAC not visible to Music Converter

          How are you trying to access these FLAC files?
          If you browse through My Computer to where one of these files is stored. Do you see a FLAC icon associated with the file? If you right-click on the file do you see an option appear to convert the file? If you don't, can you go to the View menu, select details and confirm that your FAC file's file extension is .flac rather than .fla ?

          Occasionally you may run across a FLAC file with an .fla extension. Since .fla is an extension used by some other programs, most notably certain Flash files, Music Converter, by default, will not recognize them. If you run across this type of file, you can either rename the file extension or you can enable Music Converter to recognize files with the .fla extension as FLAC files. Open Configuration, click on the Codecs tab and select Advanced Options (near the bottom of the window) and scroll down to Decoder options and you will find it there.

          If, however, the flac file is showing up with a FLAC extension when you access it this way then I would wonder if the file is corrupt. If it is sufficiently corrupt you shouldn't be able to play it. Otherwise, you could use a tool like Flac Front End to test your flac file(s).

          The real obvious newbie mistake is that if you try to open files by first opening Music Converter and browsing to your file location, if you don't have the Files of Type set to All Audio Files or to Flac, you won't see any Flac files. Likewise, if you open Batch Converter and you have opted to exclude FLAC files, you will not see any FLAC files listed.

          If, on the other hand, you open Music Converter, open the Files of Type menu and you DON'T see Flac listed (which shouldn't happen since the codec appears in your Configuration), then we will have to try something else but I don't think this will be your problem.

          Let us know how you make out.

          Best wishes,


          • seanmca

            • Nov 2007
            • 5

            Re: FLAC not visible to Music Converter


            The files all have FLAC extensions and all will play in WMP. Also FLAC Front End confirms that they are OK.

            The problem is what you thought it wouldn't be - there is no Flac listed within "Music Files and Playlists" when I try to open the files. I've tried reinstalling the codecs but no joy.



            • LtData
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • May 2004
              • 8288

              Re: FLAC not visible to Music Converter

              To clarify what you said: You can make FLAC files from a CD with the CD ripper but not then conver them with dMC itself?


              • seanmca

                • Nov 2007
                • 5

                Re: FLAC not visible to Music Converter


                Can convert the files by right-clicking within explorer but Music Collection simply doesn't recognise the files because it doesn't recognise FLAC.

                I can write but not read using dbpoweramp. WMP will read the files.

                Hope I'm not just doing something silly here!!



                • xoas
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Apr 2002
                  • 2662

                  Re: FLAC not visible to Music Converter


                  Did you reinstall from a saved download or did you reinstall from a fresh download from Codec Central?

                  I might try uninstalling your FLAC codec, re-booting, downloading the codec from Codec Central and reinstalling.

                  I might also look in the folder where you have Music Converter and checking the Decoder folder to see if the Flac.dll is listed there, check to see what version of the .dll file is listed (mine is listed as and I believe that is correct, my Configuration matches yours). For what it's worth, the Flac encoder .dll is (found in the Encoder folder).

                  If no FLAC .dll is listed, you may have installed it to the wrong location (in the past, this has been more of an issues where Music Converter is installed to other than the default location but I have not seen this problem in some time). You can either track down your FLAC codec files and move them to the correct folder, or reinstall to the correct location. (I don't see where this problem would allow FLAC to show up in your Configuration but you never know). Make sure you remove and reinstall through a user account with Administrative priviledges (this might be a somewhat more likely cause of your problem).

                  I would also check to make sure that you do not have TWO or more FLAC.dll files listed. If you do, delete them both, delete the corresponding FLAC encoder .dll files (in the encoder folder) and reinstall. (I can see if you have been running a pre-r12 version of Music Converter you might end up with an older and newer version of FLAC in the same folder which is a known no-no - if this is the source of your problem, make sure that if you still need the older codecs that you reinstall the older FLAC codecs from Legacy Codec Central reinstalled to the right location).

                  If everything looks exactly like it should, see if you can try to convert a file to FLAC (my initial guess is that you won't see an option to do so either but I hadn't really thought that you would have FLAC show up in Configuration but not in your Files of Type menu so what do I know).

                  Let us know what you find.

                  Best wishes,


                  • LtData
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • May 2004
                    • 8288

                    Re: FLAC not visible to Music Converter

                    Hang on, I think I see the problem. Are you having trouble reading these files in the dBpoweramp Audio Player? If so, you will need to uninstall dAP and follow the instuctions here on how to have dAP and dMC r12.x co-exist:


                    • xoas
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Apr 2002
                      • 2662

                      Re: FLAC not visible to Music Converter

                      I strongly suspect that LtData has found the source of your problem, in which case you will need to follow the instructions provided in the compatibility link.

                      Best wishes,


                      • seanmca

                        • Nov 2007
                        • 5

                        Re: FLAC not visible to Music Converter

                        Resolved by the compatibility issue that I'd missed.



