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use composer tag in file naming??

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  • markeh

    • Apr 2007
    • 45

    use composer tag in file naming??

    I would like to use the composer tag in file naming. It seems to be ignored.

    My use is for classical music, where composer will set the directory name.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44862

    Re: use composer tag in file naming??

    Using [composer] ?


    • markeh

      • Apr 2007
      • 45

      Re: use composer tag in file naming??

      I tried this, and the file name included the string "[composer]" Probably not what was intended ;-)

      I will try again to make sure there wasn't a cockpit error. I think I used IFVALUE, with the composer name if yes, and nothing if not.


      • JMinSF

        • Mar 2007
        • 8

        Re: use composer tag in file naming??

        Here is what I use for dynamic naming for the same purpose:

        I just use cd-track for the filename since I never mix different CDs in the same directory (unless they are part of the same multi-CD set).

        The syntax is a bit onscure, but provides a very flexible way to describe the naming convention. I think what you were missing is the "[tag]composer[]" construct, there is no simplified "[composer]" construct.


        • markeh

          • Apr 2007
          • 45

          Re: use composer tag in file naming??

          Thanks - I get it now.

          Do you find that the CD lookup databases are pretty weak for classical. I think track names usually leave out details, the album name is different on first and second disc in a set, track names are done inconsistently on the cds in a multi set, etc....


          • JMinSF

            • Mar 2007
            • 8

            Re: use composer tag in file naming??

            When AMG has the information, the track descriptions are usually of very good quality and have a very systematic style. Album art is usually OK (although there are some mistakes and >50% gaps for older CDs). The remainder of the information is a very variable quality - no conductor, random selection of artists, and so on. There are occasional inconsistencies (e.g. CD 1 of a set has good tags, CD 2 is garbage...), so you need to be on the lookout.

            AMG does not have 100% coverage on classical (but some of my CDs are pretty ancient and/or obscure). When they miss and DBA uses freeDB, the results are usually pretty bad - one might as well retype everything from scratch.

            I admit to being a bit of a maniac on tagging precision and style, so I always redo the detailed tagging, but the AMG track details save a lot of typing (with the help of some Excel spreadsheets).

            Although AMG is not perfect, I think it is definitely worth the $ for the yearly subscription.

