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CDGrab won't

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  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: CDGrab won't

    Are you running as an Administrator? Do you have the latest service pack for Win2k?


    • ephoras

      • Feb 2007
      • 26

      Re: CDGrab won't

      Yes I'm running as Administrator and W2k Service Pack 4 with ALL windows updates on both machines


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44842

        Re: CDGrab won't

        Before the next Beta makes full release, we will install Win 2000 fresh on to a computer and try R12.3


        • ephoras

          • Feb 2007
          • 26

          Re: CDGrab won't

          That would be brilliant. Thank you.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44842

            Re: CDGrab won't

            Tried on a fresh Windows 2000 Pro, no problems ripping the whole disc.

            If you think about it doubtful it is a software issue, we would have to have specific code with did something different for the middle of the last track, compared with other tracks, we do not.


            • ephoras

              • Feb 2007
              • 26

              Re: CDGrab won't

              So if your system works and mine doesn't then there has to be something running on my second system (which is pretty bare) interfering. The only thing I could think of was InCD which has been removed from the startup sequence. There was no change in the results. I then tried stopping everything but the networking program from Startup, but again the last track would not rip with the same error as before.

              Any suggestions, please?

              Admittedly I am still on R12.2 as 12.3 is not released.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44842

                Re: CDGrab won't

                If Windows Internal does not work then any version of dBpoweramp would not help, all ripping requests are passed to windows its self.


                • ephoras

                  • Feb 2007
                  • 26

                  Re: CDGrab won't

                  So does that mean I have a problem with Windows itself on both machines? When you tried W2000 Pro, did you get ALL Service Packs and current updates?


                  • ephoras

                    • Feb 2007
                    • 26

                    Re: CDGrab won't

                    No reply to my last query, so I've tried again, wiping the system drive and started afresh with my W2k CD Service Pack 2, then immediately installing dbpowerAMP to latest available version (R12.2) :-

                    Machine details are
                    OS Name Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
                    Version 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2 Build 2195
                    OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
                    System Name JOY
                    System Manufacturer VIA Technologies, Inc.
                    System Model VT82C692BX
                    System Type X86-based PC
                    Processor x86 Family 6 Model 11 Stepping 1 GenuineIntel ~1100 Mhz
                    BIOS Version Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG
                    Windows Directory C:\WINNT
                    System Directory C:\WINNT\System32
                    Boot Device \Device\Harddisk0\Partition1
                    Locale United Kingdom
                    User Name JOY\Joy1
                    Time Zone GMT Daylight Time
                    Total Physical Memory 523,760 KB
                    Available Physical Memory 430,332 KB
                    Total Virtual Memory 1,802,636 KB
                    Available Virtual Memory 1,646,056 KB
                    Page File Space 1,278,876 KB
                    Page File C:\pagefile.sys

                    CD Drive
                    Drive E:
                    Description CD-ROM Drive
                    Media Loaded True
                    Media Type CD-ROM
                    Name ASUS DRW-1814BL
                    Manufacturer (Standard CD-ROM drives)
                    Status OK
                    Transfer Rate Not Available
                    SCSI Target ID 0
                    PNP Device ID IDE\CDROMASUS_DRW-1814BL_________________________1.10____\5&23298F83 &0&0.0.0

                    To prove it is working I tried to rip the last track and after 99% of Pass 1

                    Error ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 9' to 'O:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - All Around My Hat.mp3'
                    Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 211942 ripping 25 frames track end LBA 211968) [clRipperSecure::Rip]

                    And the following in information
                    Information ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 9' to 'O:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - All Around My Hat.mp3'
                    ** Drive is unable to read into lead out, uncheck over-read option. [clRipperSecure::Rip]
                    Track 9: ERROR Ripping LBA 193508 to 211968 (4:06) in 0:23. Filename: O:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - All Around My Hat.mp3
                    ** Drive is unable to read into lead out, uncheck over-read option.
                    Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 211942 ripping 25 frames track end LBA 211968)

                    Yes I'm logged on as an Administrator
                    Communication is Windows Internal[For Limited Accounts]
                    Read Into Lead-in or Lead-out is NOT ticked

                    Any other ideas?


                    • LtData
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • May 2004
                      • 8288

                      Re: CDGrab won't

                      Do you get the same problem when using "SCSI Pass-Through"


                      • ephoras

                        • Feb 2007
                        • 26

                        Re: CDGrab won't

                        Aren't you brilliant, thank you. That works perfectly! So full of enthusiasm I've restored my system entirely to as it was and altered the Communication to "SCSI Pass-Through".

                        Doing the same thing again on the restored system I get the following error

                        Error ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 9' to 'O:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - All Around My Hat.mp3'
                        Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 193508 ripping 26 frames track end LBA 211968) [clRipperSecure::Rip]

                        With the following in Information

                        Information ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 9' to 'O:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - All Around My Hat.mp3'
                        Track 9: ERROR Ripping LBA 193508 to 211968 (4:06) in 0:08. Filename: O:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - All Around My Hat.mp3
                        Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 193508 ripping 26 frames track end LBA 211968)

                        System Information is now

                        OS Name Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
                        Version 5.0.2195 Service Pack 4 Build 2195
                        OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
                        System Name JOY
                        System Manufacturer VIA Technologies, Inc.
                        System Model VT82C692BX
                        System Type X86-based PC
                        Processor x86 Family 6 Model 11 Stepping 1 GenuineIntel ~1097 Mhz
                        BIOS Version Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG
                        Windows Directory C:\WINNT
                        System Directory C:\WINNT\system32
                        Boot Device \Device\Harddisk0\Partition1
                        Locale United States
                        User Name JOY\Joy1
                        Time Zone GMT Daylight Time
                        Total Physical Memory 523,760 KB
                        Available Physical Memory 323,504 KB
                        Total Virtual Memory 1,800,800 KB
                        Available Virtual Memory 1,441,524 KB
                        Page File Space 1,277,040 KB
                        Page File C:\pagefile.sys

                        and Device Info is

                        Drive E:
                        Description CD-ROM Drive
                        Media Loaded False
                        Media Type CD-ROM
                        Name ASUS DRW-1814BL SCSI CdRom Device
                        Manufacturer (Standard CD-ROM drives)
                        Status OK
                        Transfer Rate Not Available
                        SCSI Target ID 0
                        PNP Device ID SCSI\CDROM&VEN_ASUS&PROD_DRW-1814BL&REV_1.10\1&163A1DE8&1&000

                        Any further suggestions or should I start again from scratch, something obviously I would prefer not to do.


                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44842

                          Re: CDGrab won't

                          It is looking like it something hardware related, you need to try other ripping programs, many though would end ripping at that point and not tell you there is a problem (because it is near the end).


                          • ephoras

                            • Feb 2007
                            • 26

                            Re: CDGrab won't

                            Thanks for the reply. Any suggestions of which one to try. I've tried EAC but it didn't work (is this significant?) and being fairly thick as to the fine workings/settings I just ignored it. I used to have a naughty version (8 or 9 or 10 possibly) of dbpowerAMP and decided to go genuine and pay up for the latest version as I thought it was a good program and worth the money. Currently wondering if I did the right thing as I have had nothing but trouble ever since. Looks like I'd better start from scratch again. This I can do on one machine but virtually impossible on the other. I know nothing is impossible.


                            • LtData
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • May 2004
                              • 8288

                              Re: CDGrab won't

                              My apologies for recommending SPT again when you had that set initially.

                              You said EAC does not work either? If it is not working and dMC isn't working, then it sounds like it is something hardware related.


                              • ephoras

                                • Feb 2007
                                • 26

                                Re: CDGrab won't


                                Sussed it

                                My mother board on the second machine is an Abit and it came with its installation CD containing Drivers, some of which are for the Via Technology chip set which is also on my Main machine. After countless reformats and re-installations this weekend, I found that if I did not add and start the Ultra DMA drivers, dbpowerAMP CDGrab works, albeit a bit slower. The Communication now has to be "SCSI Pass-Through". So over to you Spoon is this a coding fault or a hardware fault? Ultra DMA really speeds up both these old systems and the really old one will have to have it put back on to make it useable.

