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CDGrab won't

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  • ephoras

    • Feb 2007
    • 26

    Re: CDGrab won't

    Thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately it made no difference, still getting

    Information ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 11' to 'D:\Music\Runrig\2007 - 2007 - Everything You See\11 - In Scandinavia.mp3'
    ** Drive is unable to read into lead out, uncheck over-read option. [clRipperSecure::Rip]
    Track 11: ERROR Ripping LBA 198616 to 220715 (4:54) in 0:41. Filename: D:\Music\Runrig\2007 - 2007 - Everything You See\11 - In Scandinavia.mp3
    ** Drive is unable to read into lead out, uncheck over-read option.
    Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 220690 ripping 24 frames track end LBA 220715)


    • ephoras

      • Feb 2007
      • 26

      Re: CDGrab won't

      Just downloaded and tried R12.2.

      The first 8 tracks results were fine and showing X AR (Green tick) Secure after 2 Rip Passes and and 1 Encoding pass. However the 9th and last track got to "Pass 1 Ripping 97%" and stopped with the following error -

      Error ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 9' to 'D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - All Around My Hat.mp3'
      Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 211942 ripping 25 frames track end LBA 211968) [clRipperSecure::Rip]

      with the following in Information

      Information ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 9' to 'D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - All Around My Hat.mp3'
      ** Drive is unable to read into lead out, uncheck over-read option. [clRipperSecure::Rip]
      Track 9: ERROR Ripping LBA 193508 to 211968 (4:06) in 0:12. Filename: D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - All Around My Hat.mp3
      ** Drive is unable to read into lead out, uncheck over-read option.
      Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 211942 ripping 25 frames track end LBA 211968)

      My system is as follows

      System Information report written at: 26/06/2007 09:10:35
      [System Summary]

      Item Value
      OS Name Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
      Version 5.0.2195 Service Pack 4 Build 2195
      OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
      System Name HOME-PENTIUM
      System Manufacturer VIA Technologies, Inc.
      System Model VT82C694X
      System Type X86-based PC
      Processor x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 3 GenuineIntel ~797 Mhz
      BIOS Version Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG
      Windows Directory C:\WINNT
      System Directory C:\WINNT\system32
      Boot Device \Device\Harddisk0\Partition1
      Locale United States (well rerally United Kingdom)
      User Name HOME-PENTIUM\Ephoras
      Time Zone GMT Daylight Time
      Total Physical Memory 1,048,048 KB
      Available Physical Memory 631,528 KB
      Total Virtual Memory 3,570,032 KB
      Available Virtual Memory 2,849,420 KB
      Page File Space 2,521,984 KB
      Page File C:\pagefile.sys

      Drive F:
      Description CD-ROM Drive
      Media Loaded False
      Media Type CD-ROM
      Name LITE-ON COMBO SOHC-5232K SCSI CdRom Device
      Manufacturer (Standard CD-ROM drives)
      Status OK
      Transfer Rate Not Available
      SCSI Target ID 1

      The CD above is brand new and this is the first time it has been played.

      Is there something wrong with my settings still or are there still errors in R12.2?

      I have now tried the second disc of the set and again it failed on the last track only this time it got to got to "Pass 1 Ripping 99%" with the following error -

      Error ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 14' to 'D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\14 - Cold Haily Night.mp3'
      Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 322400 ripping 13 frames track end LBA 322414) [clRipperSecure::Rip]

      with the following in Information

      Information ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 1' to 'D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\01 - Tam Lin.mp3'
      Track 1: Ripped LBA 0 to 53908 (11:58) in 1:15. Filename: D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\01 - Tam Lin.mp3
      Secure [Pass 1 & 2]
      CRC32: 69576B3D

      Information ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 2' to 'D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\02 - Go Down.mp3'
      Track 2: Ripped LBA 53908 to 74518 (4:34) in 0:29. Filename: D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\02 - Go Down.mp3
      Secure [Pass 1 & 2]
      CRC32: FD84D4CC

      Information ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 3' to 'D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\03 - Liam Drum Solo.mp3'
      Track 3: Ripped LBA 74518 to 85312 (2:23) in 0:17. Filename: D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\03 - Liam Drum Solo.mp3
      Secure [Pass 1 & 2]
      CRC32: 25D0B3ED

      Information ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 4' to 'D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\04 - Drink Down the Moon-The Cuckoo.mp3'
      Track 4: Ripped LBA 85312 to 115498 (6:42) in 0:33. Filename: D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\04 - Drink Down the Moon-The Cuckoo.mp3
      Secure [Pass 1 & 2]
      CRC32: D14D1ACA

      Information ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 5' to 'D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\05 - Si Beg Si Mohr.mp3'
      Track 5: Ripped LBA 115498 to 131858 (3:38) in 0:22. Filename: D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\05 - Si Beg Si Mohr.mp3
      Secure [Pass 1 & 2]
      CRC32: 23DF3041

      Information ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 6' to 'D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\06 - Betsy Bell and Mary Grey.mp3'
      Track 6: Ripped LBA 131858 to 155456 (5:14) in 0:25. Filename: D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\06 - Betsy Bell and Mary Grey.mp3
      Secure [Pass 1 & 2]
      CRC32: 2FA2E063

      Information ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 7' to 'D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\07 - They Called Her Babylon.mp3'
      Track 7: Ripped LBA 155456 to 182187 (5:56) in 0:31. Filename: D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\07 - They Called Her Babylon.mp3
      Secure [Pass 1 & 2]
      CRC32: F27EE105

      Information ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 8' to 'D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\08 - Blackleg Miner.mp3'
      Track 8: Ripped LBA 182187 to 197033 (3:17) in 0:19. Filename: D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\08 - Blackleg Miner.mp3
      Secure [Pass 1 & 2]
      CRC32: 6016D63F

      Information ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 9' to 'D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - Sir James the Rose.mp3'
      Track 9: Ripped LBA 197033 to 223138 (5:48) in 0:26. Filename: D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - Sir James the Rose.mp3
      Secure [Pass 1 & 2]
      CRC32: EF15A9B1

      Information ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 10' to 'D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\10 - Van Diemans Land.mp3'
      Track 10: Ripped LBA 223138 to 249416 (5:50) in 0:29. Filename: D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\10 - Van Diemans Land.mp3
      Secure [Pass 1 & 2]
      CRC32: D8D6CBA6

      Information ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 11' to 'D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\11 - Cam Ye O'er Frae France.mp3'
      Track 11: Ripped LBA 249416 to 272061 (5:01) in 0:24. Filename: D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\11 - Cam Ye O'er Frae France.mp3
      Secure [Pass 1 & 2]
      CRC32: 6D246A99

      Information ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 12' to 'D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\12 - Gaudete.mp3'
      Track 12: Ripped LBA 272061 to 283468 (2:32) in 0:15. Filename: D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\12 - Gaudete.mp3
      Secure [Pass 1 & 2]
      CRC32: 45B2DE5E

      Information ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 13' to 'D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\13 - London.mp3'
      Track 13: Ripped LBA 283468 to 300274 (3:44) in 0:15. Filename: D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\13 - London.mp3
      Secure [Pass 1 & 2]
      CRC32: 97E90294

      Information ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 14' to 'D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\14 - Cold Haily Night.mp3'
      ** Drive is unable to read into lead out, uncheck over-read option. [clRipperSecure::Rip]
      Track 14: ERROR Ripping LBA 300274 to 322414 (4:55) in 0:10. Filename: D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 05 15 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\14 - Cold Haily Night.mp3
      ** Drive is unable to read into lead out, uncheck over-read option.
      Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 322400 ripping 13 frames track end LBA 322414)

      It is ALWAYS the last track!


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44842

        Re: CDGrab won't

        >** Drive is unable to read into lead out, uncheck over-read option. [clRipperSecure::Rip]

        Have you tried unchecking the overread option?


        • ephoras

          • Feb 2007
          • 26

          Re: CDGrab won't

          In order to try R12.2 a better way I've loaded the program onto a second machine details below:-

          System Information report written at: 26/06/2007 11:30:17
          [System Summary]

          Item Value
          OS Name Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
          Version 5.0.2195 Service Pack 4 Build 2195
          OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
          System Name JOY
          System Manufacturer VIA Technologies, Inc.
          System Model VT82C692BX
          System Type X86-based PC
          Processor x86 Family 6 Model 11 Stepping 1 GenuineIntel ~1097 Mhz
          BIOS Version Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG
          Windows Directory C:\WINNT
          System Directory C:\WINNT\system32
          Boot Device \Device\Harddisk0\Partition1
          Locale United States
          User Name JOY\Joy1
          Time Zone GMT Daylight Time
          Total Physical Memory 523,760 KB
          Available Physical Memory 359,732 KB
          Total Virtual Memory 1,801,052 KB
          Available Virtual Memory 1,503,992 KB
          Page File Space 1,277,292 KB
          Page File C:\pagefile.sys

          Drive E:
          Description CD-ROM Drive
          Media Loaded False
          Media Type CD-ROM
          Name PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-108 SCSI CdRom Device
          Manufacturer (Standard CD-ROM drives)
          Status OK
          Transfer Rate Not Available
          SCSI Target ID 0
          PNP Device ID SCSI\CDROM&VEN_PIONEER&PROD_DVD-RW__DVR-108&REV_1.20\1&163A1DE8&0&000

          I have tried to rip just the last track and got the following error

          Error ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 9' to 'O:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - All Around My Hat.mp3'
          Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 193508 ripping 26 frames track end LBA 211968) [clRipperSecure::Rip]

          and the following information:

          Information ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 9' to 'O:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - All Around My Hat.mp3'
          ** Drive is unable to read into lead out, uncheck over-read option. [clRipperSecure::Rip]
          Track 9: ERROR Ripping LBA 193508 to 211968 (4:06) in 0:00. Filename: D:\Music\Steeleye Span\2006 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - All Around My Hat.mp3
          ** Drive is unable to read into lead out, uncheck over-read option.
          Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 211942 ripping 25 frames track end LBA 211968)

          That's 2 different machines with 2 different drives and the same error.

          I have to assume that the software does actually work for someone or have I got the settings wrong on both systems.


          • ephoras

            • Feb 2007
            • 26

            Re: CDGrab won't

            That option is not checked on either machine


            • ephoras

              • Feb 2007
              • 26

              Re: CDGrab won't

              Bought a brand new Asus DRW-1814BL and tried to record the last track once again

              The error returned was

              Error ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 9' to 'O:\Music\2006 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - All Around My Hat.mp3'
              Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 193508 ripping 26 frames track end LBA 211968) [clRipperSecure::Rip]

              The information is

              Information ripping to mp3 (Lame), 'Track 9' to 'O:\Music\2006 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - All Around My Hat.mp3'
              Track 9: ERROR Ripping LBA 193508 to 211968 (4:06) in 0:00. Filename: O:\Music\2006 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - All Around My Hat.mp3
              Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 193508 ripping 26 frames track end LBA 211968)

              Drive information is

              Manufacturer: ASUS
              CD Drive: DRW-1814BL
              Firmware: 1.10
              Maximum Speed: 8467 KB/sec (x47)
              Current Speed: 8467 KB/sec (x47)
              Spin-down After: Never
              Buffer Size: 2 MB
              Accurate Stream: Yes
              C2 Error Pointers: Yes
              Reads ISRC: Yes
              Reads UPC: Yes

              The CD plays OK with no problems.

              My Windows 2000 Pro is totally up to date.

              dbpowerAMP and codecs totally up to date

              What do I have to do to be able to record the last track?

              Does this otherwise good but plainly faulty program actually work for anyone with W2k?

              I would be very pleased to find that it's me doing something wrong but I don't think so!


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44842

                Re: CDGrab won't

                LBA 193508 + 26 = 193534

                The Lead out LBA = 211968

                So it is no where near the end of the cd. The drive is simply returning to the prgram it is not able to read the cd, dbpoweramp will re-try 5 times, each time it fails. Perhaps your cd has a manufacturing defect.


                • ephoras

                  • Feb 2007
                  • 26

                  Re: CDGrab won't

                  The CD's I am quoting are ones of many - I haven't found one that works! If I had found one that worked I might not be complaining quite so much! So it is on all cd's, four diferent drives and 2 machines! The only common denominator is dbpowerAMP R12 and W2k Pro! Sorry, I am not prepared to get rid of W2k for this.

                  As I said previously I would be very pleased to find that it's me doing something wrong but I don't think so!


                  • LtData
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • May 2004
                    • 8288

                    Re: CDGrab won't

                    What is your communication set on? This setting is in the Options under the "CD ROM" section towards the bottom of that window. Try changing it to "Windows Internal" and see if that helps.


                    • ephoras

                      • Feb 2007
                      • 26

                      Re: CDGrab won't

                      Thanks for the suggestion but that was suggested and actioned on Page 1.

                      A question I have to ask, is there anyone out there with CDGrab R12 or above actually ripping CD's with Windows 2000 Pro? If there is, please reply to me and pass on the settings.


                      • ephoras

                        • Feb 2007
                        • 26

                        Re: CDGrab won't

                        It's been over a week and no replies.

                        I've now tried to record in both Flac, Monkeys Audio and Fraunhofer IIS, anything, just to get the last track recorded

                        But the last track in ALL cases will NOT rip!


                        Error ripping to mp3 (Fraunhofer IIS), 'Track 9' to 'O:\Music\2006 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - All Around My Hat.mp3'
                        Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 211942 ripping 25 frames track end LBA 211968) [clRipperSecure::Rip]


                        Information ripping to mp3 (Fraunhofer IIS), 'Track 9' to 'O:\Music\2006 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - All Around My Hat.mp3'
                        ** Drive is unable to read into lead out, uncheck over-read option. [clRipperSecure::Rip]
                        Track 9: ERROR Ripping LBA 193508 to 211968 (4:06) in 0:11. Filename: O:\Music\2006 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - All Around My Hat.mp3
                        ** Drive is unable to read into lead out, uncheck over-read option.
                        Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 211942 ripping 25 frames track end LBA 211968)


                        Error ripping to FLAC, 'Track 9' to 'O:\Music\2006 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - All Around My Hat.flac'
                        Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 211942 ripping 25 frames track end LBA 211968) [clRipperSecure::Rip]


                        Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 9' to 'O:\Music\2006 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - All Around My Hat.flac'
                        ** Drive is unable to read into lead out, uncheck over-read option. [clRipperSecure::Rip]
                        Track 9: ERROR Ripping LBA 193508 to 211968 (4:06) in 0:11. Filename: O:\Music\2006 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - All Around My Hat.flac
                        ** Drive is unable to read into lead out, uncheck over-read option.
                        Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 211942 ripping 25 frames track end LBA 211968)


                        Error ripping to Monkeys Audio, 'Track 9' to 'O:\Music\2006 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - All Around My Hat.ape'
                        Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 211942 ripping 25 frames track end LBA 211968) [clRipperSecure::Rip]


                        Information ripping to Monkeys Audio, 'Track 9' to 'O:\Music\2006 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - All Around My Hat.ape'
                        ** Drive is unable to read into lead out, uncheck over-read option. [clRipperSecure::Rip]
                        Track 9: ERROR Ripping LBA 193508 to 211968 (4:06) in 0:14. Filename: O:\Music\2006 - Folk Rock Pioneers in Concert\09 - All Around My Hat.ape
                        ** Drive is unable to read into lead out, uncheck over-read option.
                        Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 211942 ripping 25 frames track end LBA 211968)

                        The only conclusion I can come to is that the program has not been tested under Windows 2000 Pro, surely if it had, I'd be able to rip the last track from a cd.


                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44842

                          Re: CDGrab won't

                          I am 99% convinced it has nothing to do with Windows 2000 Pro and more to do with your computer setup. Of the estimated 300,000 people who are using R12 right now, over 20,000 would have Windows 2000 pro.


                          • ephoras

                            • Feb 2007
                            • 26

                            Re: CDGrab won't

                            That's great. I surely hope it is. But what on earth am I doing wrong? I was beginning to feel like the only one.

                            What/How should I check my PC's (both don't work), just point me in a direction, please.


                            • Spoon
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 44842

                              Re: CDGrab won't

                              There is plenty that can happen to a system over time, you might install a CD Image program, in which case every communicatio with the cd drive goes through their wrapper, or even worse used a Sony cd which has installed hidden mal-ware on your system which interfers with the cd drive.

                              Generally speaking if it is one of those, you best option might be to install WIndows 2000 fresh.


                              • ephoras

                                • Feb 2007
                                • 26

                                Re: CDGrab won't

                                But, right at the very beginning I stated it was a brand new installation of W2k and it didn't work then. Both systems had been newly created (virus on one and Maxtor disk crash on the other within days of each other). If you are convinced it's not your program and W2k then it must be something I've missed in the system rebuilds or the setup parameters which I have played around with but without any success.

