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Drive offset for apple usb superdrive

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  • ital_mal

    • Apr 2021
    • 3

    Drive offset for apple usb superdrive

    Hi guys, I’m completely new with DBpoweramp and cd ripping and am just getting started ripping my cd collection to flac. I’ve followed the recommended setup but unfortunately it seems the apple usb SuperDrive I just bought for this purpose isn’t in the AR database? Seems weird. Either way, I am trying to find out what the drive offset is for this drive if any one knows, and following on from that, I have test ripped about 10 cds which have all been securely and accurately
    Ripped. They do however more often than not show ray they have a pressing offset of +6 more often than not. Does that mean the drive offset is probably +6? Does it matter if I’m getting accurate rips?

    Thanks very much!
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Drive offset for apple usb superdrive

    It cannot be set, because Apple use different drives it labels as 'superdrive', all with different offsets.


    • ital_mal

      • Apr 2021
      • 3

      Re: Drive offset for apple usb superdrive

      Thanks very much @Spoon I thought that might be the case.

      I guess that comes to the second part of my question.. if I am getting accurate and secure rips as per AR, does it matter if my drive offset is set correctly? (I had to choose a value when configuring AR so just chose 0). If I am interpreting the rip report correctly, it seems as if cdripper/AR is correcting for the drive offset based on other&*8217;s rips?

      I guess the crux of my question is, do I need to worry about my rips being inaccurate because of the drive offset if AR is reporting accurate and secure rips?

      Thanks again!


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Drive offset for apple usb superdrive

        IMHO offsets are not overly important, they are only important if you want to compare rips with other drives directly.


        • ital_mal

          • Apr 2021
          • 3

          Re: Drive offset for apple usb superdrive

          Ok great, thanks very much for your help!

          I&*8217;ll continue to happily rip away in that case!


          • jennaralissima

            • May 2022
            • 4

            Re: Drive offset for apple usb superdrive

            Yet another instance where dBp should be providing information instead of forcing people to go look for it. This is NOT FREE SOFTWARE and should be more helpful - I'm actually really annoyed. So, yes, I have a brand new Apple Superdrive USB and what is the point of AccurateRip is they don't have info for a drive that must have been sold a huge number of units.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: Drive offset for apple usb superdrive

              Apple brand the superdrive as a single drive you can purchase, yet internally this drive contains different drives from multiple non-Apple manufacturers. On previous OS X versions it would show the real internal drive, dBpoweramp correctly find the offset for that drive, Apple changed that around 2 years ago, so it is not possible to have a offset with this drive as the drive can be one of a number of different drives, with different offsets.


              • Surge

                • Feb 2023
                • 4

                Re: Drive offset for apple usb superdrive

                Originally posted by Spoon
                Apple brand the superdrive as a single drive you can purchase, yet internally this drive contains different drives from multiple non-Apple manufacturers. On previous OS X versions it would show the real internal drive, dBpoweramp correctly find the offset for that drive, Apple changed that around 2 years ago, so it is not possible to have a offset with this drive as the drive can be one of a number of different drives, with different offsets.
                My Apple Superdrive is more than 2 years old. If I look at Disc Utility, it says OPTIARC AD-5630A. Is there a known offset for this drive? I searched the forum for this model *, but didn't find anything (if I searched correctly!).


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44844

                  Re: Drive offset for apple usb superdrive


