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Trying to write xml files with CD Ripper

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  • joshaur

    • Nov 2018
    • 4

    Trying to write xml files with CD Ripper

    I received the below when trying to write xml files with cd ripper. Please let me know if you have any ideas how to fix this. Some tracks don't error and others do.

    Also, will this write a xml files for each song and put them in the same folder? (12 *.wav and 12 *.xml files?)

    ****** this is the templater - Family.xsl *****
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
    <xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>
    <xsl:template match="/">

    <Title><xsl:value-of select="AudioMetadata/ConvertedFile/IDTags/Title"/></Title>
    <Artist><xsl:value-of select="AudioMetadata/ConvertedFile/IDTags/Artist"/></Artist>
    <Album><xsl:value-of select="AudioMetadata/ConvertedFile/IDTags/Album"/></Album>
    <Label><xsl:value-of select="AudioMetadata/ConvertedFile/IDTags/Label"/></Label>



    *****************This is the errors*************

    Error ripping to Wave, 'Track 1' to 'C:\Users\jnunes\Desktop\AudioRip\MercyMe\The Worship Sessions\MercyMe - Hungry 01.wav'
    Write XML incompatible with option in CD Ripper 'Rip to ._ Files, rename Album at end'

    Error ripping to Wave, 'Track 3' to 'C:\Users\jnunes\Desktop\AudioRip\MercyMe\The Worship Sessions\MercyMe - My Glorious 03.wav'
    Write XML incompatible with option in CD Ripper 'Rip to ._ Files, rename Album at end'

    Error ripping to Wave, 'Track 4' to 'C:\Users\jnunes\Desktop\AudioRip\MercyMe\The Worship Sessions\MercyMe - Mighty To Save 04.wav'
    Write XML incompatible with option in CD Ripper 'Rip to ._ Files, rename Album at end'

    Error ripping to Wave, 'Track 5' to 'C:\Users\jnunes\Desktop\AudioRip\MercyMe\The Worship Sessions\MercyMe - Come Thou Fount 05.wav'
    Write XML incompatible with option in CD Ripper 'Rip to ._ Files, rename Album at end'

    Error ripping to Wave, 'Track 6' to 'C:\Users\jnunes\Desktop\AudioRip\MercyMe\The Worship Sessions\MercyMe - You're Beautiful 06.wav'
    Write XML incompatible with option in CD Ripper 'Rip to ._ Files, rename Album at end'

    Error ripping to Wave, 'Track 10' to 'C:\Users\jnunes\Desktop\AudioRip\MercyMe\The Worship Sessions\MercyMe - In Christ Alone 10.wav'
    Write XML incompatible with option in CD Ripper 'Rip to ._ Files, rename Album at end'

    Error ripping to Wave, 'Track 11' to 'C:\Users\jnunes\Desktop\AudioRip\MercyMe\The Worship Sessions\MercyMe - There Is A Fountain 11.wav'
    Write XML incompatible with option in CD Ripper 'Rip to ._ Files, rename Album at end'
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Trying to write xml files with CD Ripper

    CD Ripper >> Options Button >> CD Ripper Options

    change 'When Ripping' to: Rip Direct to Final Filenames

