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New User Experiencing Huge Time Differences in Rips

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  • Oggy
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2015
    • 697

    Re: New User Experiencing Huge Time Differences in Rips

    Originally posted by ChisChas
    Oh my giddee aunt, thanks for all this, just heading for a dark room so I can have a lie down...........

    The new drive is defo configued for AccurateRip, does this action take care of the offset you refer to?

    And when I've come out of the dark room, I'll read this very helpful post S L O W L Y............
    Yes! That's taken care of. Hopefully, with the screenshots, you can see some of the options very easily. This is the kind of setting, that I simply didn't think about from day one, but are easily set, or you can make an educated decision, not to change. Most of these are set once and forget.

    If you get the basics right from the off, it saves a lot of editing later on.

    If you choose your player, VLC or Foobar, from day one, you can see how your rips work in the real world. Not all players are equal, I know that VLC has been updated recently, but would be incredibly surprised if it got near the flexibility of Foobar2000. I don't know how good the support of sort tags is, in VLC.

    I use sort tags for displaying, for example, David Bowie, as David Bowie, but under Bs, rather than Ds. This is purely a personal preference, but the player must be able to support them.

    On my previous post, I've tried to take the key information from a very long thread, and explain why I used the options I did.

    Think about how you ideally would like to display your library, and try a few CDs. I think very few get everything spot on first time, but hopefully you can achieve user friendly results first time.

    Good luck!


    • ChisChas
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Oct 2017
      • 78

      Re: New User Experiencing Huge Time Differences in Rips

      Thank you, Oggy.


      • ChisChas
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Oct 2017
        • 78

        Re: New User Experiencing Huge Time Differences in Rips

        Another problem track on another album/CD. I chose 8 tracks including no 12 (the last one) on an album that dBpa ripped 7 of 8 chosen tracks saying Accurate (200). There I was thinking this CD isn't going to be a problem as 200 other dBpa'ers have successfully ripped this well known CD. But the last track (no 12) is refusing to rip. There is a red cross & Error while the window says track ripped insecurely.
        Do others get this, do you forego the problem track, do you set dBpa differently to get round the problem track? dBpa has 3 attempts then stops and I have to then set it going again for another 3 attempts. Can I set dBpa to keep going and keep trying until it finally succeeds? What is the advice? A few minutes to rip 7 tracks successfully and then another 20 minutes and the last track won't rip.


        • garym
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Nov 2007
          • 5936

          Re: New User Experiencing Huge Time Differences in Rips

          Occasionally happens. sometimes a manufacturing defect. Sometimes something else. Many of my problems also occur with the last one or two tracks on a CD. As mentioned, I can often resolve this by trying to rip with a different drive.


          • Oggy
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Apr 2015
            • 697

            Re: New User Experiencing Huge Time Differences in Rips

            Originally posted by garym
            Occasionally happens. sometimes a manufacturing defect. Sometimes something else. Many of my problems also occur with the last one or two tracks on a CD. As mentioned, I can often resolve this by trying to rip with a different drive.
            Yes, different drives can work wonders, (ask your work colleagues for them, before they dump their PCs!), but the last track or two are also the more likely to have fingerprints, especially if the disc has ever been used in a slot loader. A gentle clean, can sometimes work wonders.

            If I'm paying attention, and the first pass has given multiple errors, I tend to stop the rip and clean the disc. If the result is still the same, I try another drive. If it's an obvious scratch, I have on occasion attempted a more dramatic repair.

            Luckily this occurs on only around 3% of my discs.

            As you can get an Innacurate rip with only a few frames with errors, often these errors are inaudible.
            Last edited by Oggy; October 21, 2017, 04:39 PM.


            • ChisChas
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Oct 2017
              • 78

              Re: New User Experiencing Huge Time Differences in Rips

              Originally posted by garym
              Occasionally happens. sometimes a manufacturing defect. Sometimes something else. Many of my problems also occur with the last one or two tracks on a CD. As mentioned, I can often resolve this by trying to rip with a different drive.
              Interesting when you say you also experience problems with last one or two tracks, thank you for sharing this. Ha ha, I'll try this CD with the Samsung drive. See whether the former drive can rip this last track.


              • ChisChas
                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                • Oct 2017
                • 78

                Re: New User Experiencing Huge Time Differences in Rips

                Originally posted by Oggy
                Yes, different drives can work wonders, (ask your work colleagues for them, before they dump their PCs!), but the last track or two are also the more likely to have fingerprints, especially if the disc has ever been used in a slot loader. A gentle clean, can sometimes work wonders.

                If I'm paying attention, and the first pass has given multiple errors, I tend to stop the rip and clean the disc. If the result is still the same, I try another drive. If it's an obvious scratch, I have on occasion attempted a more dramatic repair.

                Luckily this occurs on only around 3% of my discs.

                As you can get an Innacurate rip with only a few frames with errors, often these errors are inaudible.
                Thanks again for some more practical advice.


                • Jailhouse
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Sep 2016
                  • 388

                  Re: New User Experiencing Huge Time Differences in Rips

                  CDs read from the inner edge to the outer edge. Errors in disc manufacture are magnified near the outer edge as that moves beneath the laser pickup more quickly. Error correction can only do so much.


                  • monsterjazzlick
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Jul 2017
                    • 1764

                    Re: New User Experiencing Huge Time Differences in Rips

                    Hi ChisChas ,

                    You probably know this already, but just in case it has slipped passed you: quite often when you rip a CD the COMPILATION box will be checked by default. Make a quick idiot-check every time you rip that it is UNCHECKED (unless of course the CD is in fact a compilation). I have been caught out a few times!
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	comp.png
Views:	1
Size:	12.1 KB
ID:	293702


                    Last edited by monsterjazzlick; November 02, 2017, 01:58 PM. Reason: Insert Image


                    • brushyourideas

                      • Nov 2017
                      • 2

                      Re: New User Experiencing Huge Time Differences in Rips

                      You should try another CD drive.

