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Sending own results to AccurateRip (Mac release 16(1))

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  • Gromit2012

    • May 2014
    • 6

    Sending own results to AccurateRip (Mac release 16(1))

    I have used the Windows version of the Reference version for many years (in a VM) and was thrilled when you released the Mac version. I've been using it since it came out and have now upgraded to release 16(1).

    One of the pleasures of using the Windows version was being able to upload my own rip results to AccurateRip, knowing that I was helping the community. I've looked and looked in the Mac version and I can't see any option to upload own results, and I've probably ripped a couple of hundred CDs since I've been using it.

    I see from the website for teh Mac version that:

    "AccurateRip by comparing results from other peoples rips, a match to their rip is a 100% certainty it was without error, no other secure ripping method can get this close to verifying error free rips. Once a month AccurateRip will request to send your results to help populate the database."

    I've never been asked to do this by AccurateRip in the Mac version; am I missing something? I do like to be helpful!
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Sending own results to AccurateRip (Mac release 16(1))

    The mac vesion does not submit results.


    • Gromit2012

      • May 2014
      • 6

      Re: Sending own results to AccurateRip (Mac release 16(1))

      Originally posted by Spoon
      The mac vesion does not submit results.
      Oh dear, another abrupt and unappreciative reply from the person running the 'Spoon' account.

      I really like your software and have recommended it to many people, but I do think you have a poor attitude to your customers, well at least this customer!

      I have supported your company financially several times over the past years, buying the original Windows version, upgrading (at least twice), then buying the Mac version as well, upgrading it etc, and although I don't expect praise and adoration - this is after all an exchange of money for a service - it would be nice if you took time to read my post and understand that your website does say what I said in my post, ie on the page showing the Mac version it says 'Once a month AccurateRip will request to send your results to help populate the database.' I have attached a screengrab.

      I do appreciate that you have to deal with many customers of varying levels of computer literacy and they may be asking you questions you've already answered many times but they haven't bothered to look on the forums - which must be frustrating for you - but I did search the forums for this issue and I couldn't find anything, hence my post.

      Perhaps a more polite response might have been:

      'Thank you for your continuing support, and I'm pleased you like the Mac version. Thank you also for pointing out that our website says that in the Mac version it will ask to upload your rip data, but unfortunately at the moment that isn't the case. I will amend the website accordingly. We are working on making that option available, as we do appreciate the contributions that Mac users could make to the AccurateRip data.'

      Click image for larger version

Name:	OSX grab.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	91.4 KB
ID:	293320


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Sending own results to AccurateRip (Mac release 16(1))

        We have updated the page in question, thanks for pointing out the error.


        • steins

          • Jul 2017
          • 5

          Re: Sending own results to AccurateRip (Mac release 16(1))

          any plan for implementing this feature in the future?


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Sending own results to AccurateRip (Mac release 16(1))

            It is not currently planned, sorry.

