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Non Retrieval of MetaData Details

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  • BJC

    • Mar 2016
    • 6

    Non Retrieval of MetaData Details

    Having just upgraded to version 16.1 I find that I still cannot retrieve Metadata details about CD's I am attempting to rip, the internet works fine at my end hence this e-mail however it stopped working in the version 15 that I previously had and I read somewhere that it was it being an old version you guys had stopped it from working. That is why I have upgraded. I have checked the music converter box is ticked to allow dbpoweramp to do its magic but again without success. Please help as I am having to type in manually (long winded) and hard work.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Non Retrieval of MetaData Details

    Do you have security software, such as a firewall?

    If you run:

    ...also how to do a full reset of dBpoweramp? (if dBpoweramp crashes for some reason) Where does dBpoweramp save its files / settings? It is installed to c:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp or c:\Program Files (x86)\Illustrate\dBpoweramp The 64 bit version of dBpoweramp is installed to: c:\Program Files\dBpoweramp It

    then reinstall and try on default settings then it will rule out a configuration setting in dBpoweramp.


    • BJC

      • Mar 2016
      • 6

      Re: Non Retrieval of MetaData Details

      Ok, tried your suggestion, still no joy. Turned of firewall, cleaned down any bits n pieces that may have been left, lost all settings for setup, reloaded cd ripper on default settings, it is however telling me that the CD is in accuraterip but still nothing with regards names, albums etc. It looks as though names are greyed out ie no metadata. Where do I go from here.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Non Retrieval of MetaData Details

        What happens if you type an album and album artist name at the top, then click the CD disc lower right to get album art from the internet? (try with a popular disc), does it show covers you can choose from?


        • ErrorCode62

          • Oct 2010
          • 7

          Re: Non Retrieval of MetaData Details

          I've just had a similar problem with the non-retrieval of meta data. Unlike BJC, I haven't done any changes. The media centre is an old AMD six core running Windows 7 and media centre for TV recording. Winamp for music. And dbpoweramp for ripping CDs. And apart from doing the up conversion to Windows 10 to "book" a licence and then reinstating an image of Windows 7, there hasn't been any changes for several months.

          What is really odd when ripping a CD is that immediately after the total track ime and the blue and orange tick in a circle logo, is the message "CD in AccurateRip. Which is normally followed a few seconds later by the metadata being completed. Not at the moment. It just stops.

          Half expected a lack of metadata on the most recent cold chisel live recordings. But not on all three of the last Tommy Emanuel albums. Or Cold Chisel "The Perfect Crime". I had to resort to using Winamp to rip the CDs as a temporary measure.

          I'll test something a bit more mainstream when I have a carer here later on, but there is definitely something going on.

          Any suggestions welcomed please

          Last edited by ErrorCode62; December 18, 2016, 09:02 AM. Reason: Typos


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Non Retrieval of MetaData Details

            Which version of dBpoweramp do you have?


            • ErrorCode62

              • Oct 2010
              • 7

              Re: Non Retrieval of MetaData Details

              According to the log of the last successful rip, release 15.1


              • BJC

                • Mar 2016
                • 6

                Re: Non Retrieval of MetaData Details

                Hey, yes it does show album art, and allows me to choose the album art it also tells me CD is in accurate rip but still puts no meta data in place. I assume therefore that I still have access to the internet and firewall is allowing info through.


                • Dat Ei
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Feb 2014
                  • 1812

                  Re: Non Retrieval of MetaData Details

                  Which metadata providers are activated? Did you disable AMG, which are offline since mid of the year?

                  Dat Ei


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44844

                    Re: Non Retrieval of MetaData Details

                    Even so, freedb is not limited by metadata. Perhaps try unchecking the providers and leave only freedb, if that works add another and see if something is blocking.


                    • MDE

                      • Dec 2010
                      • 18

                      Re: Non Retrieval of MetaData Details

                      I have the same problem. I am on v15.1. Clicking "Review Metadata" in the box at the bottom right shows only one column of metadata "retrieved from cache". Clearing the metadata and selecting sources one at a time does show different choices sometimes, but the facility to see these side by side in the "Review metadata" box seems to be no longer working. Since the PC software was fine last time I used it and I have not upgraded, I assume that the problem is at the server end. I was going to upgrade, but it seems like that doesn't fix it either, so no way until it is fixed.


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44844

                        Re: Non Retrieval of MetaData Details

                        For the metadata drop menu uncheck 'dBpoweramp Cache' as one of the choices used, then when you insert a disc it will fetch from the providers online.

                        These lists on the review page will not be filled in if it came from the cache (well for R16 it would, but not R15).


                        • MDE

                          • Dec 2010
                          • 18

                          Re: Non Retrieval of MetaData Details

                          Originally posted by Spoon
                          For the metadata drop menu uncheck 'dBpoweramp Cache' as one of the choices used, then when you insert a disc it will fetch from the providers online.
                          These lists on the review page will not be filled in if it came from the cache (well for R16 it would, but not R15).
                          Thanks, but that's the odd thing. 'dBpoweramp Cache' is unchecked, but when I go to the metadata review, it gives no choices and says "metadata taken from cache". I've cleared the metadata, and done it again but every time with the same result.The work-round is to "retrieve from" each of the sources in turn from the metadata menu, but clearly this is rather time-consuming.


                          • Spoon
                            • Apr 2002
                            • 44844

                            Re: Non Retrieval of MetaData Details

                            Run this:

                            ...also how to do a full reset of dBpoweramp? (if dBpoweramp crashes for some reason) Where does dBpoweramp save its files / settings? It is installed to c:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp or c:\Program Files (x86)\Illustrate\dBpoweramp The 64 bit version of dBpoweramp is installed to: c:\Program Files\dBpoweramp It

                            To reset the settings to default, then reinstall and try on default settings.


                            • MDE

                              • Dec 2010
                              • 18

                              Re: Non Retrieval of MetaData Details

                              Originally posted by Spoon
                              Run this:

                              ...also how to do a full reset of dBpoweramp? (if dBpoweramp crashes for some reason) Where does dBpoweramp save its files / settings? It is installed to c:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp or c:\Program Files (x86)\Illustrate\dBpoweramp The 64 bit version of dBpoweramp is installed to: c:\Program Files\dBpoweramp It

                              To reset the settings to default, then reinstall and try on default settings.
                              OK, I'll try that. However, I have extensive configurations (see {Resources tab}). Is there any way I can save those or do they need to be re-entered manually after the re-install?

