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Sorry, 2 Newbie questions: Purchase software for Mac and Windows&ripping uncompressed

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  • currter
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Jul 2016
    • 71

    Sorry, 2 Newbie questions: Purchase software for Mac and Windows&ripping uncompressed

    1) I would like to know if I could make a one purchase for $30 and use the
    software on both Windows and Mac as I use the two interchangeably on a Macbook
    Pro (Bootcamp and Parallels)? Or do I have to purchase twice, one for Mac and one for
    Windows as I decide which OS is better accomplishing goal of re-ripping a 1200+ CD collection.
    I used iTunes to rip to .wav using the Mac ... now I want to try out using .flac
    and may just use Windows to do this.

    2) In the Encoder section/tab, is there an advantage of ripping the .flac files as
    lossless uncompressed as opposed to lossless level 8? I noticed that the resulting
    .flac file as uncompressed has a comparable size to the .wav files I am used to
    or even .aiff and I would prefer that. Of course I could save space using the
    compressed level 8 (default is 5), but would that require more processing of the
    flac player to use "uncompressing" algorithms to get back the original audio file?
    I do not care for disk capacity issues and so far I am using .wav on various
    hard drives (the master copy or source) and flash drives and microSD cards that I may use
    in car stereos (FAT32 or exFAT formatted 64 GB storage media ).
    For me 1 USB3.0 64GB flash drive can hold about 1400 + or - .wav files which is
    sufficient for my purposes.

    I may want to explore re-ripping my 1200 CD collection to .flac as it can hold the
    meta data and I can see the album cover images on the Sony or Pioneer
    car stereo systems. I am not sure if I can view the same images using .wav files.
    I am just now exploring the usage of .flac now.

    Thank you.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Sorry, 2 Newbie questions: Purchase software for Mac and Windows&ripping uncompre

    1) The software is either Windows or Mac, until you decide you can try the 21 day full trial on each platform.

    "but would that require more processing of the flac player to use "uncompressing" algorithms to get back the original audio file?"

    Yes this is true.


    • currter
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Jul 2016
      • 71

      Re: Sorry, 2 Newbie questions: Purchase software for Mac and Windows&ripping uncompre

      Originally posted by Spoon
      1) The software is either Windows or Mac, until you decide you can try the 21 day full trial on each platform.

      Well, I may have made a mistake by downloading the 21 day trial software on both platforms and
      I have decided that I do want to purchase the software eventually. I guess my question was if I really
      want to use both mac and windows with it, would I have to purchase the software twice or could I use
      the same key on both operating systems? If not, could I get a discount for a "bulk" purchase for both
      operating systems? I think at this point I may just worry about getting this for Windows
      but again, I do like to go back and forth and though I prefer the Mac over windows... however since I ripped the
      CD library of 1200+ CDs using iTunes on the Mac... then as I embark on this project to rip to .flac
      using another hard drive, I will use Windows 10 this time. (balance)

      Addendum: I had thought about using some batch program or process to just convert all the .wav files
      I had processed already, but I am not sure if I would get all the metadata associated with just
      re-ripping all the CDs again from scratch and maybe this time get some more analyses done as
      far as error corrections if the CDs were slightly damaged or smudged the first time around.
      I certainly cannot listen to every song on 1200 CDs to figure out if any have errors , pops, skips...
      though I had run across a few and managed to re-rip those cleanly into .wav ....
      It is a monumental task and I just want to do it right this time with the added knowledge so
      I do not have to do this again with 1200 CDs.

      "but would that require more processing of the flac player to use "uncompressing" algorithms to get back the original audio file?"

      Yes this is true.

      So since I do not care about space limitations on the flash drives and hard drives, your recommendation is just to
      rip using the uncompressed lossless form so I get practically the .wav audio file and along with it the metadata
      (album cover art)
      associated with it in the resulting .flac file; and therefore there would be less or no processing needed when translating the
      .flac file back to .wav or when playing the audio on a car stereo such as Sony XAV-650BT or the Pioneer AVH-4200NEX....
      Again, my initial exploration into .flac was to rip the files using that level 8 lossless compression resulting in a smaller
      file size (maybe by 30%) compared to .wav.
      I want to do this right as I will need to take yet another 1 week or more to rip those 1200 CDs yet again and want to make
      sure I do this the proper way and this time getting the images of the album data stored.

      Thank you for your suggestions.
      Last edited by currter; July 27, 2016, 11:15 PM.


      • currter
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Jul 2016
        • 71

        Re: Sorry, 2 Newbie questions: Purchase software for Mac and Windows&ripping uncompre

        so in essence would you say and confirm that .flac that is uncompressed lossless (fully) is
        essentially the .wav file but with metadata (images)?

        I think so and I need to know this... as I am about to embark re-ripping the massive CD
        library yet again and want to do this right this time....the first time I was not thinking about
        metadata when I ripped everything to .wav but realize my car stereo can display that so
        why not take advantage of that.
        And I have an extra, free 1 TB hard drive...

        And maybe $60 is not too much to pay to get the sofware on both operating systems
        but if I could save money a bit, why not take advantage of that too.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Re: Sorry, 2 Newbie questions: Purchase software for Mac and Windows&ripping uncompre

          Flac uncompressed can still compress under certain circumstances (such as the audio is digital 000's).

          If you purchase for 1 platform, then on the download page is an offer link with a 50% discount on a 2nd purchase.


          • currter
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • Jul 2016
            • 71

            Re: Sorry, 2 Newbie questions: Purchase software for Mac and Windows&ripping uncompre

            Also I was thinking it would require more processing of the CPU to "decompress"or "uncompress"
            the a flac compressed audio (at the various levels ) to essentially recover the original .wav or .aiff
            form so since I am not concerned about hard disk (3 TB) or flash drive or SD card (64GB to 128GB )
            space limitations, I would want to rip the audio files at the maximum CD quality sizes even though
            I know and hear that all flac files are lossless regardless of the compression levels (and can
            save space on the storage devices which I am not concerned given the wealth of storage capacities
            I have now).

            so this is why I have chosen to use lossless uncompressed (is that a word?) and I get the
            added benefits of having the tag and album cover and art images added into each .flac file
            for display on my audio/video device (Sony or Pioneer car stereos).
            also why make the stereo work any harder than necessary translating the compressed files back to
            wav (analog)... thus my reasoning for using lossless uncompressed -- unless I got it all wrong?

            Thank you.

            Again, I am just learning more about the benefits of flac and I just filled out a
            form to Apple support to hopefully add flac support in iTunes.
            (and sent a copy Apple's CEO by email).

            Last edited by currter; July 28, 2016, 03:47 PM.


            • currter
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Jul 2016
              • 71

              Re: Sorry, 2 Newbie questions: Purchase software for Mac and Windows&ripping uncompre

              I think some of my postings are censored or not going through...
              I think I said I guess I got it all wrong as far as the pricing thinking $28...
              when it is $68. OH well I am a newbie so that explains that.

              Also is there a command line flag/switch option to flac executable to bypass the
              numeric level compression (1 to 8) to do uncompressed lossless?
              I am exploring something else... maybe to use EAC on WIndows and reserve
              purchasing dbpowerAmp for the Mac that way I can just buy one copy.

              is it flac -6 (for level 6 compression) but instead flac --bps=16 --sample=44100 --bit-rate=1412 ...
              or some form like that?


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44844

                Re: Sorry, 2 Newbie questions: Purchase software for Mac and Windows&ripping uncompre

                There is no command line to do flac uncompressed, as far as I know.

                The uncompressed mode does take less cpu effort to decode that is correct.


                • currter
                  dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                  • Jul 2016
                  • 71

                  Re: Sorry, 2 Newbie questions: Purchase software for Mac and Windows&ripping uncompre

                  So is it fair to say that this special mode (lossless uncompressed to get a resulting audio file
                  comparably sized with .wav and/or .aiff) is proprietary software within dbpoweramp software and
                  is independent to the flac command or program?
                  Is this a special case issue and one cannot duplicate it using flac or EAC by changing
                  the command line options and switches ?
                  If not, then is it possible to find out what the command line options should be
                  to not use the -6 or -8 level of compression and generate a larger file with the .flac benefits?
                  I do not know why this is so difficult to find out even EAC is giving me a hard time getting
                  this information. And this is supposed to be open source software? And I cannot find out what
                  the proper command line options are or should be? I guess I will have to download the source
                  and analyze the code to figure this out?

                  I had a difficult time replying to this...
                  this site does not seem to be friendly with replies being censored, blocked or whatever...
                  Last edited by currter; July 29, 2016, 06:39 PM.


                  • garym
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Nov 2007
                    • 5936

                    Re: Sorry, 2 Newbie questions: Purchase software for Mac and Windows&ripping uncompre

                    Originally posted by currter
                    So is it fair to say that this special mode (lossless uncompressed to get a resulting audio file
                    comparably sized with .wav and/or .aiff) is proprietary software within dbpoweramp software and
                    is independent to the flac command or program?
                    Is this a special case issue and one cannot duplicate it using flac or EAC by changing
                    the command line options and switches ?
                    If not, then is it possible to find out what the command line options should be
                    to not use the -6 or -8 level of compression and generate a larger file with the .flac benefits?
                    I do not know why this is so difficult to find out even EAC is giving me a hard time getting
                    this information. And this is supposed to be open source software? And I cannot find out what
                    the proper command line options are or should be? I guess I will have to download the source
                    and analyze the code to figure this out?

                    I had a difficult time replying to this...
                    this site does not seem to be friendly with replies being censored, blocked or whatever...
                    I've never seen posts censored, blocked, or whatever in all the years I've posted here. I suspect there is some issue with either your local network or your internet provider.

                    Not that it matters I suppose, but just curious: why the need to use command line. Why not use dbpa as designed and if you want to create uncompressed FLACS it can do it for you as part of the standard software.


                    • currter
                      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                      • Jul 2016
                      • 71

                      Re: Sorry, 2 Newbie questions: Purchase software for Mac and Windows&ripping uncompre

                      I tried to add this to the thread yesterday and it was blocked or censored...
                      trying again .. maybe this helps with my goal...

                      How to add options flac command line for uncompressed lossless 16 bit audio?
                      How to add options flac command line to generate a .flac file that
                      contains uncompressed lossless 16 bit audio similar to how dbpoweramp works?
                      Dbpoweramp has about 8 to 9 levels of compression one of them being no compression
                      at all.
                      The resulting file is a .flac file with meta data but is the same size as the .wav
                      file and thus making me comfortable that no data is lost and yet having the
                      benefits of a file with tagging and meta data.
                      flac.exe - .... is it -br %1412 or --bps=16 --channels=2 --sample-rate=44100 ?
                      or is it
                      flac.exe --disable-constant-subframes --disable-fixed-subframes -l0 somefile.wav

                      Thank you.

                      Here is what dbpoweramp states

                      Being a lossless codec there are not many options to set when compressing to FLAC: Compression affects how much effort goes into compressing the audio, all compression modes give the same decoded audio (it is lossless after all), the higher compression levels will give a small % file size saving, but will require more time to compress and decompress. Compression Level 0 requires the least compression time, whilst Compression Level 8 the most. Uncompressed is a special compression mode with stores 16 bit audio in an uncompressed state.


                      • currter
                        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                        • Jul 2016
                        • 71

                        Re: Sorry, 2 Newbie questions: Purchase software for Mac and Windows&ripping uncompre

                        Well i want to balance using dbpoweramp on Mac and use EAC on Windows (if the truth be told).
                        I think I need to get this information from the flac software developers or EAC how to change the
                        command line.
                        I was trying to balance how I responded to this issue since using a competitor software and
                        was just wondering if dbpa is doing something special or using its own modification of the
                        flac software to implement the lossless compressed mode...
                        If so, then I am wasting my time asking this question or addressing it to the EAC forum.
                        EAC is free and I wanted to take advantage of that on Windows while getting the same benefit
                        of dbpa's special feature.

                        so anyone knows the command line arguments to the flac app?

                        Thank you.


                        • garym
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Nov 2007
                          • 5936

                          Re: Sorry, 2 Newbie questions: Purchase software for Mac and Windows&ripping uncompre

                          I assume you understand that any FLAC file is lossess, regardless of the "compression" level. And this can be easily shown by converting a file to FLAC -8 (high compression) and then reconverting that back to WAV. the CRCs of this file will match the WAV file and the two will be bit perfect. "compression" in a FLAC file only has to do with file size. It has absolutely ZERO to do with whether the audio is bit perfect back to the file that was ripped from the CD.

                          And why do you need command line. If you want FLAC uncompressed (for some reason *other* than you want bit perfect file), why not just use dbpa?


                          • garym
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • Nov 2007
                            • 5936

                            Re: Sorry, 2 Newbie questions: Purchase software for Mac and Windows&ripping uncompre

                            Originally posted by currter
                            Well i want to balance using dbpoweramp on Mac and use EAC on Windows (if the truth be told).
                            I think I need to get this information from the flac software developers or EAC how to change the
                            command line.
                            I was trying to balance how I responded to this issue since using a competitor software and
                            was just wondering if dbpa is doing something special or using its own modification of the
                            flac software to implement the lossless compressed mode...
                            If so, then I am wasting my time asking this question or addressing it to the EAC forum.
                            EAC is free and I wanted to take advantage of that on Windows while getting the same benefit
                            of dbpa's special feature.

                            so anyone knows the command line arguments to the flac app?

                            Thank you.
                            understand, and makes sense. I can't help as I've never had the need to use command lines. I moved from EAC years ago to dbpa and have never looked back.


                            • currter
                              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                              • Jul 2016
                              • 71

                              Re: Sorry, 2 Newbie questions: Purchase software for Mac and Windows&ripping uncompre

                              Originally posted by garym
                              understand, and makes sense. I can't help as I've never had the need to use command lines. I moved from EAC years ago to dbpa and have never looked back.
                              I guess I am "reinventing the wheel" with this... I am going through the same steps
                              and analysis you probably did years ago...

                              I am thinking dbpoweramp is using its own internal modification to the code
                              for that 9th "compression" method (outside the levels 1 to 8) for lossless compressed
                              and maybe there is no command line option to flac to do the same and EAC
                              cannot do this.
                              This may be dbpoweramp proprietary and that is fine... I will just have to buy
                              a 2nd copy for Windows (really want to get for Mac since Windows seems to be
                              better served as far as flac compatibility and ripping software). More choices for
                              Windows than Mac...
                              I guess this ends this... I will see what I can squeeze out of the Exact Audio Copy
                              team with this issue and if I cannot, I will move forward with my project using
                              Thank you

