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ripper came up with the wrong metadata

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  • urhlre

    • Sep 2024
    • 1

    ripper came up with the wrong metadata

    I have a Mac. I inserted Paul Simons Seven Psalms into my Pioneer BDR-Xd05S and asked the ripper to rip the cd. It decided that the cd is from The Cranberries and is called "Interview with Fergal Lawler". I tried the Mac Music app to see what it would do. The Music app correctly read the metadata. I pulled up the metadata in the Music app and copied and pasted into the dbpoweramp metadata manual review window. I then selected rip and it ripped correctly. Also, before I tried ripping dbpoweramp said there was an update, which I applied. I also tried doing the rip with the older dbpoweramp, same result. I am going to try ripping another cd later today or tomorrow. I hope it works.
  • Dat Ei
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Feb 2014
    • 1812

    The algorith to find the corresponding metadata in the databases leads to an unique result - most of the times, but not always. Different albums can have the same key (checksum) to search so a mismatch can happen. You can enable 'CD Text' as another source for metadata, which can be, but isn't always available on the CD itself.

    Dat Ei


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44847

      Click the Review Metadata button on the toolbar at the top, one of the 5 providers might have had that disc correct.

