I have news, it wasn't OneDrive. The AMD driver remains suspicious as the problem does not happen in safe-mode.
Possible Windows Explorer crash under dBpoweramp's influence
I just wanted to pop in because I have been dealing with the same thing. After 3-4 rips, my explorer will randomly crash, too. Last night I decided to test something. I decided to rip using iTunes. Same thing happened, after 3-4 rips in iTunes, explorer crashed. Obviously this is an issue within windows, maybe a recent Windows update, as I just started purchasing CDs again to rip after about a year.Comment
I tried to do some more investigating. I downloaded EAC and MusicBee, along with iTunes, they also caused my windows to crash after 4 or 5 rips. I noticed secure rip was on all of them and iTunes was set for error correction, not sure if they would be the same, as I've never really cared enough for iTunes to rip anything with it. Once I unchecked secure rip in all, they all ripped fine - even dbpoweramp. Windows seems to be having the issue with something within the secure rip??Comment